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  • I have a version of the sprite where he's holding the lollipop in his hand. I couldn't get it to work when put in the mouth, though.

    I don't think either of us are keen to throw away a turn to receive a host of negative side-effects, frankly. The hitting-the-bridge thing was meant to be more for moves that miss on their way across the chasm.

    That or I was planning an epic bridge-smacking to surprise you right at the last possible moment. Yeah, that's it.
    EXP, perhaps? Or the trainer's prize money, since I assume it's the trainer who is responsible for buying their Pokémon instant noodles.
    ...I should totally get her in a battle with Detective Gumshoe and make him use loads of moves that have dreadful accuracy.
    True. Though in my timezone you posted that at 12:34, which I find pleasing.

    Only the foolishest of foolishly foolish fools would foolishly fool around describing how foolishly foolish these foolish fools' foolish foolings are.
    That could be a limitation, actually; she loses an action saying "fool" over and over.
    And if spaces are worth ten for the first space and 0 for each space thereafter, they have 23 letters.

    Yeah, Ekans pretty much is a whip, hence my choosing it as Franzy. Also, its Intimidate ability.
    I might give her a sig attribute that makes her whip her opponents and allies if their moves ever miss or fail.
    Also, Fanboy and Foxhog have two times three letters. And begin with F, the sixth letter of the alphabet, and two times three is six.

    It is. Now I just need a spiky-haired Torchic, a cravat-wearing Pidgey, a whip-weilding Ekans, a trenchcoat-wearing Teddiursa with a bandaid, a muscly Happiny with a chef hat and facial hair, and a furry-coat-wearing Poochyena. Then when I get a Slakoth it needs to be made so you can nearly see its breasts.
    The same is true of Shi-Long Lang if we assign the hyphen a numerical value of 0. And of Kay Faraday if we make the space 1.5.

    That's rather fabulous. And something Tyrellalie can have as well.
    He's also giving Sneaselkay and Weavilekay a scarf, and Eeveema a badge.
    "Perfectionist" is perhaps the most ironic word you could slightly misspell.

    And I think it's more like one third of the best number.
    ...speaking of Colias and Badd, do you mind if I try to sprite them? I already screwed around with Colias's wings on the portrait (I changed them to the green plaid pattern on his vest), and I like Badd enough to do a sprite of him with his lollipop.
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