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  • ...crap he's onto us
    er, me rather
    time to enact plan B- escape to Borginia and pose as a cocoon smuggler.
    The only time I really resort to strategy guides is when I'm aiming for 100% completion in a game, or some other epicly hard search.
    Pfft, I have more mons then you.

    ...speaking of which, you realize you have more mons in your active swuad than you're allowed, right? You have 12 when there should only be 10.

    I'll still do all of them, but...

    Assuming you don't want any changes, I'll charge 14 ASB crazy bucks.
    Oh? Interesting... this isn't an official thing, right?

    You've seen the thing I made for Mike, I assume?
    ...Oh, really? I never knew that. I'll keep that in mind.

    Then I suppose I better start with the easier ones, yes? To get a feel for the mechanics and such.
    I rarely change my Pokemon, actually. But there was one time I got a Garchomp with Outrage and Earthquake and aaa so awesome. It only died twice: once was a fair kill, but the other was Aftermath damage. It was that awesome.

    Well, nowadays I hear of people changing professions all the time. Get a feel for things, you know? You'll be able to narrow your choices down without straying uncomfortably close to dirt-poor, I'd think.
    I should Google Shadow of Rome sometime - not now, it's 12 in the morning as it is. My brother's been bothering me to play Fire Emblem, but at the moment I'm clueless as to which one I should play.
    The Regice was pretty good, too. Avalanche, Curse... that's all I remember. Pity that the only time I used it, it got OHKO'd by a crit.

    Yeah, that's true. But while I know I want to be an artist, I don't know what kind. So in a way I'm still stuck on professions like most teenagers are.
    I haven't heard of Shadow of Rome, and I've been planning to play Fire Emblem for some time, but I've never really had the time.
    I've never seen Mamoswine in the Factory. And some of the Legendaries are downright weird. Just today I stumbled upon a physical Latias.

    Yeah, I know. :P Actually, now that I think about it, I haven't the faintest idea whether "USA-dwellers" have to choose their courses. Which is pretty sad, considering a few of my cousins live there.
    Yeah, I guess it is. But I'm a bit apprehensive about the future, what with schools basically imposing the idea that artists either become mega-famous and live a wonderful life, or are dirt-poor and starve on the streets.
    That's true. I was kind of thinking of .hack//GU, but I doubt you've played that...? Granted, there's a bit of a programming oversight that lets you attack with the broadsword very rapidly, but you're still slowed down.
    I have a whole host of favourites, but every once in a while a new one joins the hoard once I've gotten to know and use it.
    That's true, actually. But it's a bit difficult to find sturdy curse-users. The only ones I can list off the top of my head that I've seen are Flareon and Regice. Regice is nice (lol that rhymed), but I can only find it on the 5th streak and onwards.

    Generally I assosiate "American" with "USA-dweller". But yes, you're American :P Why don't you pick your courses?
    *shrug* I only know what I want to do because I know I'd suck in any other fields.
    Yeah, but with broadswords and axes and whatnot, your mobility is limited, and I work best with quick characters. Generally I like piling on the damage gradually but not too slowly, while staying out of the way as much as possible.

    ...is it just me or am I using the word 'generally' a lot?
    I am generally very faithful to my favourites, so rarely does the plan get messed up.
    I usually stray away from the defensive Pokemon, unless they Toxic-stall. I'm very fond of Toxic-stalling. But otherwise, the attackers just hit too hard for the defenders to stay put for long, and they usually don't have any means of recovery.

    I'm Canadian. :V
    But that aside, I guess it's a way to be more... specialized? I don't know. Myself, I know I'm going for the artsy and biology/ecology courses, but for people who don't know what they want to do, it's a bit of a dilemma. But there are a ton of courses, so they couldn't possible teach them all - not without dividing the time ridiculously, that is.
    Mmm... I'm not fond of axes, myself. I'm one of those people who prefer weapons that aren't as powerful, but can hit quickly. Dual swords, daggers, etc.
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