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    I was thinking that too. Basically most of the time I spent thinking it up is deciding how much beneficial battle stuff I'd get away with stealing. Not that you can really stop the Yatagarasu, but then the Boss Lady and her consortium of approvers-who-aren't-me are all-powerful.
    Tell me I'm right so that my commands didn't go to waste.

    60 base power goes up to 90 with STAb, giving it a base power of 9%. With the evolution bonus, the base power goes up to 10%, and with 4x effectiveness it goes up to 20% damage.

    My logic is sound, correct?
    We need new Ace Attorney games so we can make more name puns!

    I have almost 40 Pokémon at the moment and will probably buy more for no reason quite soon, so that probably won't ever happen with me. Though I am thinking of giving Kay Faraday a sig attribute/move, which will either change Thief to steal status changes etc. rather than items, or if it's a sig move just have that effect. My logic is that being the second Yatagarasu she wouldn't steal material things but rather something she can use to help defeat villains, or in this case her opponents.
    Bah. I've run out of ideas for puns now.

    Both their English names are pretty fancy, I think. Carnage Onred is just "what are you doing it doesn't even sound much like 'red carnation'", but "Damien Hinge"? What.
    Anyway, I'm now going to work on a sig move for my Poochyena, Shi-Long Lang. It will involve Lang Zi proverbs.
    It's alWright. I Sahw(it) your point. My collection certainly Fawles under the "Badd puns" category. I Kudo done better.

    I much more enjoy Gumshoe's reaction to my using him as a lucky charm.
    Also, Colias Palaeno's Japanese name is the least ambassadorial thing I've ever seen.
    A STAB Faint Attack will do nineteen damage under the current circumstances, correct?

    stab, double super effectiveness and evolution bonus gives it 19 power under my calculations, but I'm not sure about yours.
    Yeah, you'd think it'd be easier to make them Good(man). With all the dozens of characters AA has surely the Skye's the limit.

    And a jail term on top of that. Oh Colias, you card.

    You should start a conversation with her that I can stalk and then the three of us can be stalking buddies.
    Well they Gant all be perfect, Shelly you Moe that.

    Or one (1) death sentence. *rubs hands together before doing that thing where he curls and uncurls his fingers one by one*
    Iris-k sounding like a bit of a Miney, but don't Judge my Badd puns. They take a Lang time to come up with and I put a Lotta work into them.
    Whoo, Luke Atmey! Amano roll!

    Or he could give away coupons for a free murder sentence in Babahl's fine prisons.
    That's not a Badd mnemonic.

    Or Palaeno somehow ends up defending people in court, but instead of evidence, he has coupons. It'll be a challenge of epic proportions!
    Plus it's a tree and so is Quercus Alba.
    I'm not sure why I can forgive Alba for ordering Faraday's murder, actually. Probably because he's such a fantastically evil bastard.

    You don't think taking control of Ambassador Palaeno and attempting to distribute coupons at murder scenes while lawyers go around being all hero-y would be awesome?
    I assume you're reffering to Klavier Gavin: Glimmerous Fop there.
    Yeah, the Yew/Shih-na distinction did blur in my head somehow while I was drawing that.

    They should do that with all kinds of things. Kay Faraday: Ace Thief (do want). Winston Payne: Actually Pretty Lousy Prosecutor. Colias Palaeno: Ace Ambassador. Luke Atmey: Ace Detective. Cammy Meele: Ace Blatant Fanservice.
    Fine, I'll do it for you.

    Shih-na kills Kay's dad = Kay sad
    Mike lieks Kay + Kay sad = MIKE HAET SHIH-NA
    Cactus + Shih-na's head = Mike happy. QED.

    Billy should return as a recurring character. Maybe even a spinoff game: Billy: Ace Cactus.
    One is embedded in Yew's head so it's more like three.

    She murdered Byrne Faraday and made Young Kay cry which was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever witnessed. Also I love Kay enormously. You do the math.
    That's true.

    You may view it if you wish, along with the other dreadful scrawls I did. Sorry for the lack of Tyrell Badd-ness.
    Or are annoying trolls.

    On an unrelated note I drew a huge page of random Ace Attorney doodles yesterday and among them was how the final confrontation with Shih-na should have gone. Basically Kay Faraday has her in a headlock shooting her through the head, Detective Badd is standing in the background also shooting her through the head, and Billy the cactus is flying in from nowhere to stab her with his spines.
    Those are all incredibly fabulous.
    Looks alright from an approvability standpoint too, but then I'm an awful approver.
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