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  • I tend to set my team before I start the game, so I shouldn't have had any problems with levelling. Granted, I was overlevelled in the beginning, but for some unexplicable reason I started falling far behind mid-way through the game. Probably the fact that the wild Pokemon levels are too low.
    There's the fact that the CPU's are using Pokemon that are specially geared towards some form of attacking most of the time, and a lucky choice could be devastating. So I prefer to be as well-prepared as I can be.

    I still have yet to take a history course that has an entirely separate teacher (I'm taking history next year), so yeah, my teachers for history were, on average, pretty good, but nothing too special either.
    Swordfights are totally epic. Thus I... watch anime where swordfighting is common. OTL Sometimes it's ridiculously corny and downright impossible, but hey, it's more dramatic, right? At the cost of believability and some facepalming, but still.
    But it's opposite to the Center portion, and I can't be arsed to walk those ten steps to the Mart portion. Yes, I'm that lazy.
    Oh, I'm also usually horribly underlevelled. I had to grind by the time I got to Cianwood, and even then my highest level was 43 when I went to challenge the Elite Four. When I got out, two of my Pokemon were 44 and one was 43.
    Ah, sorry, I have a messy way of organizing my thoughts. OTL I meant that this is the first time I've put any thought into a Pokemon to be in my team - that is, Octillery - but I usually put a lot of thought into my Factory teams.

    Thing is, all the history books that I stumble across (that is, textbooks, since I don't actively search for books) are mind-numbingly boring, so I've become rather adverse to history. It doesn't help that I'm horrible with dates, and it seems that in textbooks, every third word is a date of some sort.
    The only healing items I actually buy are Moomoo Milks. I must have a phobia of Marts, or something. And for some reason I hate using items in-battle; I only use items when I absolutely need to (<20 HP, or something like that), or in the field. If I could use items in the Frontier, though, that'd sort of take the challenge away.
    Oh, in-game, I usually don't put much thought in my teams. Oftentimes I only put thought into Battle Factory stuff, since it's quite a bit harder. This is probably the first run-through I've actually EV trained and snatched a set off of Smogon for a team player.

    Myself, I'm not really fond of the fighting. I'm more fond of fantasy stuff. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a reader, so I can't quite list anything off the top of my head.
    What I am is a gamer. So when you said centurion, I automatically thought of Tales of Symphonia's sequel.
    Your squad isn't big, you've not even branched into the PC yet :o

    And that's a very interesting reason to want a particular Pokémon for the purposes of battling.
    Oh, yes, that sounds a lot like my Umbreon vs. a Mr. Mime. My Umbreon was paralysed beforehand, and couldn't keep up with the constant Substitutes, and so was Doubleslapped to death. Doubleslap. About what, 3 damager per slap? It was a slow, painful death.
    The only difference was that I had no Full Restores.

    My Umbreon's been critted to death more times than I can count. It's so frustrating, because he's behind at the moment, but I never go to Marts except for TMs and such, and so I often don't have Revives. Don't you wish there could be some sort of item you could attach to your Pokemon to prevent crits from occuring?
    Generally I pick a reliable lead for my first Pokemon: an Exploder, Endure-Reversaler (it can still deal spectacular damage even if the types aren't on my side), or just a very versatile attacker. Very rarely do I lose because of unfortunate encounters. It's always a freak status condition or a critical hit.

    I'm interested in the mythology, but more so what the gods/figures stood for, and not really the actual stories themselves. In other words, I didn't know that Gallade was supposed to be a gladiator until now. xD;
    But in this case, I have to agree with you: the concept could have been executed better. Especially because this gladiator evolves from a delicate, miniskirt-wearing Pokemon.
    How fabulous :>

    And I was totally going to get a Cacnea and call it Billy. No fair. Except it is because I have like two dozen Ace Attorney-named Pokémon and you have about two. And yours would be a flying cactus.
    I miss things all the time, still. And hit myself in confusion. Oh, and I get poisoned every other Sludge/Sludge Bomb. Rrrgh. What good is a poisoned Umbreon that runs a Toxic-Double Team-Faint Attack set on a Weezing?

    On the contrary, though, the RNG seemed to love me when I battled Lance. I managed to get a lucky crit on his Lvl 50 Dragonite; my Octillery definitely would've gotten Outraged to death if that didn't happen. And I even managed to freeze one of his Dragonite. Normally the RNG hates me to bits, though - I've lost many a Battle Factory streak because of a lucky critical or some other trick of fate.

    Oh, I'm not fond of Gallade at all. :| Sure, the elbow-blades are pretty cool, but from then on the design just gets a bit weird - why are the hips like that, again? On the other hand, I tend to be fond of more graceful Pokemon, hence Gardevoir, as well as Froslass and Altaria, etc.
    Doesn't explain why I like oddballs like Dustox and Cradily, but eh.
    I highly doubt the RNG gods will help me. They hate me in anything Pokemon related. Seriously, on one occasion my Dragonair's Dragon Rush missed six times in a row. In the end, it hit two times out of ten. What.

    It is. Thus why I tend to stray from 3-stage Pokemon, but my God Gardevoir. Do want.
    Uh-huh. It would've been more fun if Zenigata was the one who got to play, but eh! It was a fun battle regardless.

    Well, Dexter is literally 1% away from getting KO'd by Signal Beam warrrrgh. And I don't want to use two actions just to knock him out... Thing is, if I don't, he'll probably rest, and aaa. Thus I have a dillema on my hands.
    That's actually slightly disgusting.

    Anyway I finished it. You may have a sneak preview if you wish. If not just ignore the rest of this.

    [Shi-Long Lang] Poochyena (M)
    Ability: Quick Feet
    Signature Move: Lang Zi Says

    Shi-Long Lang (hereafter referred to as Shifu) is a descendant of a great Poochyena philosopher, Lang Zi. Lang Zi’s teachings comprise of intuitive battle styles and strategies that have been passed through the Lang family for millennia. Shifu is no exception to this, though in the heat of battle he can only remember and apply one teaching.

    Type: Normal / Accuracy: 100% / Target: Self / Energy: 5%
    Effects: Shifu recalls a random piece of ancient wisdom handed down by his ancestors and applies its teachings to the current situation. Each has an equal probability of being remembered. Possible teachings are as follows:
    - “Lang Zi says: a cub who disrespects others will soon feel the disciplinary bite of an elder”. From this point onwards until the end of the battle, every time Shifu is attacked with a contact move, he will strike out quickly and counterattack his assailant, dealing 1% typeless damage, unless incapacitated (asleep, fully paralysed etc). This counterattack does not cost an action.
    - “Lang Zi says: the timid never reach the land of truth”. Shifu’s confidence builds tenfold so he will never falter in battle, granting him Inner Focus in addition to all other abilities.
    - “Lang Zi says: before aiming for the throat, chew the neck shield off first”. Shifu locates a weak point on the target and bites it savagely, dealing 3% typeless damage, lowering the target’s Defense by one level and raising Shifu’s critical hit ratio by 1.
    - “Lang Zi says: on truth’s path, the word ‘probability’ does not exist”. The after-effects of Shifu’s moves have their probability raised by 5%; i.e. Astonish has a 35% chance to cause flinching, Fire Fang has a 15% chance to burn and a 15% chance to cause flinching etc.)
    - “Lang Zi says: persistence soon turns into fixation”. Shifu is affected as though he were hit by Encore, repeating the last move he used before Lang Zi Says. If Lang Zi Says is the first move he used since being sent out, it will fail and be considered used up.
    - “Lang Zi says: expect everything from a criminal”. Shifu readies himself for his opponent’s attacks, making him impossible to score a critical hit against.
    - ”Lang Zi says: only cooperate with those you can trust”. Shifu becomes highly suspicious of his opponent, making moves based on trickery (those being Covet, Captivate, Attract, Sucker Punch, Feint, Trick, Switcheroo, Embargo, and Snatch) useless against him.
    - ”Lang Zi says: until the root of the tongue dries, one never knows the whole truth”. Shifu can only use Howl, Roar, Taunt, Yawn, Uproar, Sleep Talk, Torment, or any other sound- or speech-based command for three actions.
    - ”Lang Zi says: all men are brothers. And friends become family”. If recited in a double battle, has the same effect as Helping Hand on both Shifu and his ally for the next damaging move they use. If recited in a single battle, the move fails and is considered used up.
    - ”Lang Zi says: one should always know one’s place in life”. All Pokemon in battle receive 1.5x STAB from same-type moves, but deal only 0.75x as much damage with non-STAB moves.
    All effects last until Shifu leaves battle, unless otherwise stated.
    Usage gap: once per battle.
    Alba. I don't remember Lang ever exploding and turning into a zombie, so it wouldn't be canon if it were him.
    Could do.

    I may include an option for him to not recall any wisdom at all and instead should "QUERCUS ALBA, YOU BASTARD!", prompting Quercus Alba to leap from his Pokéball, demand that he never refer to him with such a filthy word again, randomly murder the opponent, and go back again.
    Well in my experience every second Ace Attorney game since PW:AA has been the new best one. So they should probably be back for GS7.

    Good point, I may do. I want to implement "every pack has its own rules", but I can't think what it would do.
    I really do hope they don't drop any of the major characters introduced in AAI. I don't remember there being any indication Shifu was gone for good, but that definitely seemed the case for Kay and Badd.

    Yay big list of Lang Zi quotes. Now I just need to pick five/ten and give each an in-battle effect. So far I have "a cub who disrespects others soon feels the disciplinary bite of an elder" (makes Shifu counterattack for 1% damage whenever hit with a contact move), "the timid never reach the land of truth" (gives him the Inner Focus ability), "before aiming for the throat, chew the neck shield off first" (he basically just bites the opponent, lowers its Defense, and raises his crit ratio) and "on truth’s path, the word ‘probability’ does not exist" (all probability effects are raised by 5%).
    And of course if Badd comes back he needs to be around Kay to remind her not to cry in front of strangers. And if Shifu doesn't come back that NOT SO FAST! bubble will go unused.

    Good point.
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