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  • Sapphire means a lot to me for some reason. :o I suggest fighting the Elite 4 a lot.

    Well, MINE is all "RAWR I AM KILL YOU" but nice at the same time.
    Wait, no you're supposed to ref my match. :O You'd be letting Green down! And Typh! And Blazhy!

    I felt sad because I promised myself not to cheat on SoulSilver - promise broken. D: I'm almost to level 100 with my Rayquaza in Sapphire - just 3 more levels. c:
    I haven't caught Entei or Raikou yet - only Latios.

    A few days ago I had a friend with an AR give me 900 Rare Candies. I have about 20 level 100s now, but no Rare Candies. D:
    I meant what type of Pokeball.

    After you beat Red and get the Kanto starter, go to the Safari Zone in Cianwood City. There should be an alternate if you have Surf and Rock Climb. There should then be a a cave with a hiker by it. Go in, and the whale/lizard should be in a room with glowing patterns on the ground. Kyogre's in HeartGold.
    :o In what?

    Hm. Groudon was pretty easy to catch, especially considering I couldn't attack it (since my team was level 100) without killing it. So after about 5 SRs, I caught it in a Dusk Ball at full health. :o
    I managed to catch Suicune in a Poke Ball. Took almost all day though. xD And Zapdos was caught in a Great Ball, since it's the greatest Pokemon ever.
    That sounds fabulous.

    No, not quite, but it did make me very sad. Though not as much so as when Shih-na was holding a gun to her head in Case 5 and the screen went black and there was a gunshot and and ;~;
    That's true. Plus I can imagine a Linoone dressed like her looking quite spiffy.

    If Kay or anything bearing her name fell off a bridge I would cry.
    What Pokémon lies riding motorbikes and buying lots of things?

    Yes, we were pretty dense to miss those.
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