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  • ...holy hell so we are. Probably just cos you used that exact phrase in the reffing :P

    Hooray! (Also you're reffing this match pleasantly fast.)
    That would be an unwise decision since you're presumably above the size restrictions and would probably cause a rickety old bridge with two Pokémon moving around on it to collapse from the strain.
    At least by my own grasp of physics that was pretty much invented for the purposes of this arena.
    Probably a result of "saving", though I'm not quite sure what that is personally.

    Well, sreservoir seems keen to Draco Meteor the place when the bridge is out of the way, and that's bound to hit the half-built replacement. That or a wayward projectile crossing the chasm could "accidentally" brush it, nudge nudge wink wink.
    Really, having "large" amounts of money is meaningless compared to Kratos' ludicrously huge balance.
    Getting back into a normal routine when school starts again will be... interesting.

    She'd been getting mad about it for ages before that, that was just the first time she said anything :P To be fair he did like buying a lot of random crap. Then again, so do I, but I probably earn more than he did.
    These two weeks off have officially obliterated my sleep patterns. I was barely able to stay conscious at 11:40, went to sleep for three hours, got up and haven't felt tired until now.

    He was just all about the money :/ You notice he took every single e-reffing on offer while he was a ref, rattled off a minimal reffing and took it to the bank. Oh, and once he had to redo a reffing and he tried to claim for both drafts. [insert witty, outdated comparison to a Member of Parliament here]

    Ah. Well, that works too :x I briefly looked over the second round, and between them the Pokémon seemed to roll two or three moves with a base power way over 100.
    This message will be taking a break from the puns, because I'm still awake at 6:25am and cannot actually think.

    That could make for a pretty epic strategy if you're commanding second, and your opponent would need to sacrifice a conditional every other round to stop it. Of course you'd be giving up a whole round of commands but a +3 attack boost is pretty sweet.

    I still can't figure out how he got Advanced. I've seen Novice tryouts better than the stuff he trotted out get rejected.

    Two-round Metronome match? I'm assuming you got Explosioned :/ That happened in my match with Blazhy, and I was about 2% off taking her Togepi down with me.
    It takes a while to Karm-a up with them though; I'm a real Stickler for good puns. It Paynes me to be unable to think of any, and they take a Lotta work.

    Download Freeware is rather a double-edged sword, to be honest. I have some handy effects there but two-fifths of them have the potential to completely mess Exabyte up. :P In fact it's probably rather too balanced.

    (Oh god your battle with Blastoise is a Metronome-only one. I'm looking forward to this.)
    To be fair, most of them are puns. Capcom really make a Meele of wordplay in names.

    That option was actually put in there mostly to be hilarious rather than balance the move.
    Is it o-Kay to make puns of other character's names as well or is that a Tyrrebly Badd thing to do?

    Soothe Bells have to be picked up a day or two after buying them, though. I doubt your preparations will take quite that long :P
    I'm certainly never going to aBaddon them.

    Just about done I guess. It'd be nice to have a Soothe Bell for Ema Skye but that sort of delay would be ridiculous, so go ahead and start it when you're ready.
    It's not over unTyrell the fat lady sings.
    ...Plum Kitaki get in here

    That would be fabulous, thanks C: I'll be sure to return the favour when I'm not swamped with five matches at once. And I'll make sure all sreservoir's Pokémon fall off the bridge at every opportunity. Let me just make some changes to my active squad before you do it though.

    (Loving your bank link in the PRO, incidentally.)

    I'm not, currently, since I have three battles currently going and one waiting for a ref. One of my current battles is near completion but moving very slowly indeed, so I don't think I'll be free for a while.
    So is giving them money that can only be spent in said country. Though I suppose there's always the danger they could just go "yay thanks Palaeno *exchange for US$*". Unless Babahl is one of those countries that's really protective about their currency and you can only change it when you get there.
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