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  • Yeah, I suspected Colias for a while. In fact I was kinda shocked that Quercus Alba turned out to be the villain; he's just about the only non-predictable murderer in the game, really. Though he is an amazing villain. Like Damon Gant and Matt Engarde all rolled into one.

    And Snorunt has hands, so Badd can at least have a mirror for some part of his life.
    Eh. Gengar's generally described as being more along the lines of "mischievous". Maybe Dusknoir, since its purpoe is supposedly to trap Pokémon in the spirit world, much like how Von Karma's mission is sending everyone to jail.

    That is an ability wielded by few. Even though Badd is supposedly so cool-headed, it does seem he'd have a nasty side.

    Ha, I totally forgot about Coachen. Now I have to stop calling Manfred Von Karma "Manny" D: But good point, he's more sort of sinisterly powerful than outright destructive, unless you're a defendant he's prosecuting. Not sure what Pokémon would suit that though.

    I'm not sure I see how Badd is tyrannical, personally.
    You could also buy a Bronzor and nickname it "Tyrell Badd's hand mirror".

    That's an interesting idea :o Though it'd be unfortunate if nobody did use Earthquake. Apart from Gregory Edgeworth not being murdered and Edgey-poo not being taken under Manny's wing, deciding to have everyone he prosecuted sent to jail at whatever cost until he comes up against Feenie and keeps losing and changes his mind. So each side has its benefits.

    I never actually thought of it like that; I just thought "ghosts are scary and Manny has the scariest 'OBJECTION!' clip in the series so yeah". I wanted to go for something big and destructive and tyrannical, like Tyranitar or Gyarados, because of his rabid determination to win every case and crush everyone in his way, and how easily he manipulates Udgey in Turnabout Goodbyes. Though maybe not Gyarados; having a Von Karma portrayed as a Magikarp even for a second would probably earn me a savage whipping :/
    Glalie I can kinda see. Dragonite not so much.

    Funny you should mention it, I was thinking of a battle much like that not long ago :o Like, starting off in the Theatrum Neutralis, then going to the Allebahstian Embassy when "the Yatagarasu" shows up and getting trampled, then to the Babahlese Embassy while it's on fire, et cetera.
    Ace Attorney cases make for pretty good ASB arenas, actually. My Dusky Bridge battle should probably be pretty good.
    I meant more about how he's simultaneously investigating the Yatagarasu and at the same time a member of it behind the scenes. Actually, never mind, I've no idea where I'm going with that.

    That'd be a fun battle. Colias would constantly be trying to offer Alba coupons while he insists on leaving the arena.
    Well we're getting there, anyway.

    I first thought of Badd as a Dark-type, cos of all the shady Yatagarasu stuff. And the never losing his cool reminds me of the Slakoth line, but I think I remember you having one of them already.
    I dunno if my brain is just turning into even more incoherent sludge than usual, but in that case I kinda see him a little bit as one of the Hitmons maybe.
    Hypno would work somewhat, but yeah, still not a perfect match. Unless you gave it a lollipop and a coat with holes in. Of course if there's no good match appearance-wise you could always try something with a Badd-ish personality or mannerisms- do any Pokémon take regular pauses while speaking?

    (Secretly, I only got a Gastly called Manfred von Karma because I'm too lazy to raise a Tyranitar.)
    Yes sir ;w;

    I was planning to stop anyway; 38 is far more Pokémon than I'm going to use ever. And after drawing parallels between Godot and Luxray, the only remaining character I feel like naming anything after is Trucy Wright.

    Tyrell Badd, however, is too badass to be compared to any Pokémon I can think of.
    Oh, muchacho Metallica ventilador, su increíble talento para los tontos de abril travesuras nunca deja de sorprenderme.
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