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  • I shall do. And I' sure he'd be happy to oblige.
    One wonders if you actually ever need to pay for anything in Babahl.
    That's true.

    ...I'm running out of Tyrell Badd puns already. Damn it.

    That is a fabulous Butterfree :o Eventually I plan to get sprites of Shinx, Luxio and Luxray made, all albino with Godot masks. Though that means I need to be bothered to get someone to do it, because i'm awful at everything including spriting.
    Metronome match?

    Also, we're going to have to put off the match a bit. My IRL friend joined the ASB and I promised I'd have a battle with him.
    Ah. I seemed to remember they had a special theme for everyone too minor to have their own for some reason.
    Wendy Oldbag perhaps?
    Yeah, Butz's T&T theme is much more annoying than that. Unless we're still talking about Meele's.
    Now I think of it, it might be a bit faster.
    The awesome tracks are always easiest to remember. I can never for the life of me recall any of the Objection themes or most of the Tell the Truths.
    Meh. It was just the Cornered music only shortened but it did convey "oh no important stuff's happening" pretty well.

    Yeah, I was referring to the inner monologue. So as you say it does leave a lot of things to interpretation.
    Worst would have to be JFA. The Objection theme is just noise. Having said that one of AAI's cross-examination themes sounds like someone just repeatedly punching a piano at one point and remains great, so.

    Well, Feenie/Polly/Edgey is a narrator to an extent, but I suppose you're still only getting their perspective. (Yes, I like to call everyone in AA by their nickname.)
    I think I dare say Investigations has the best music in the series in my opinion.

    How do you mean, open to interpretation? I'd have thought the nature of the series would mean most things are pretty absolute.
    Oh, I'm not saying Detective Badd's isn't brilliant, but Kay's is just too fantastic. As, in fact, is all of the music in the game. But aside from Kay's theme, the Tell the Truth and Cornered themes, the cross examination themes, and the music that plays when Calisto Yew pulls a gun out and stuff like that, Detective Badd's theme is probably my fav- *beaten with a mirror*
    Yeah, but look at what Von Karma ended up doing :p

    I dunno what it is but she really reminds me of Weavile somehow. I always think she kind of looks like a human Weavile until I actually compare them. But then there's always the fact that Weavile is an awesome Pokémon deserving of the best character theme ever.
    Oh. Well maybe I was just stupid then :P
    It actually was just like Engarde revealing himself when Alba stood up and smashed his cane. To be honest, I thought Shi-Long Lang would be the criminal in one case or another; not sure why. Lang Zi probably says wolves don't murder people or something.

    It really is :P I'm not sure why I think Weavile's a good match for Kay Faraday, except that Weavile is fast and stealthy and Kay is a thief who wants to be a ninja.
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