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  • Indeed.

    (Also I think when we come to having our ambassadorial face-off, we should make it a 2v2 and have a detective fight between Lang and Badd, too.)
    And that's why I check stuff over. Or, if you're good at coding, you can make yourself a reffing calculator.

    Well, compared to the conversations I have with Mike, it's a great deal more. Usually they're no longer than five, six words :P
    Thing is, since you only need to concentrate on a single number, it's not that much different than if it's on paper. At least that's how it goes for me.

    We do type a lot more than most others would in a single VM, though.
    I do all my homework in school. :P Somehow I seem to get less homework in high school than I did in middle school.

    If I don't do the calculations in my head, I always do them on paper. It's much easier for me to do stuff on paper than with calculators, for some reason. Maybe because it's easier to keep track of.

    And I just realized that half of our conversations are comprised of complaining about hax or comparing reffing techniques.
    Or in the Daily Borginian, "scissors-goat-curly 5-leaf-bird-beetle-eye-scissors-fish-HADOKEN".

    (Also may I ask that you use this sprite for Kay in subsequent rounds of Duskybridgebattle?
    Yes, they are very fun. I don't see why people don't take them - sure, it's extra effort for the same amount of money, but I'm fairly sure that at least some of the refs like reffing because they like writing.

    Probably a little of both, actually. Just like it's both a good and bad thing that my internet connection rarely fails so I can't pull myself out of TV Tropes. I'm still there, in case you're wondering.

    Don't stick together properly...? Not sure if I know what that means exactly.
    I'm rather disorganized, so I keep everything in a single document, and I do the calculations in my head. It's probably why I screw up so much OTL
    I'd probably kick the bucket if I was in your position. Good luck.

    Also noooo you linked me to TV Tropes must resist temptation...

    You order your battles alphabetically? I usually order them by priority.
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