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  • The RNG gods have been quite generous this round, have they not?

    ...you really did give them an offering. :O
    Bahh, stupid Dusknoir. I hate facing those things. Well, at least she doesn't have Trick Room the second time 'round.
    "...if a pokémon is holding a lum berry, it will eat it after being paralyzed by thunder wave unless its trainer has told it specifically to wait until later. The pokémon could then be commanded to eat the lum berry at any later point, but to do so would require a trainer's command and, therefore, an action."
    You forgot to edit Nenya's health. But yesss critical

    ...no you didn't I somehow scrolled up to a totally different round.
    Typically I have no trouble in the Battle Arcade. I tend to use Pokemon who hit really hard but are slow, but I always paralyze the opponent's Pokemon with the agme board.
    Has your Rhyperior bee trained? If so, that sucks.

    Reminds me of the Marowak I just caught. The perfect nature, but the wrong ability. I'll have to breed it. Thankfully she's female.
    Well come to think of it, the only recoil move I've ever used is my Marowak's Double-Edge, and my Marowak has Rock Head.
    That's true, but if your Pokemon is fast and strong enough to OHKO basically everything without getting touched, it's not much of an issue. Especially in the Frontier, where you only have to defeat three Pokemon. I remember that Choice Band Staraptor I got once; it swept just about everything by spamming Brave Bird.
    Flare Blitz isn't bad. I rather like it, actually. I don't really mind recoil at all. But yeah, it sucks, as quite a few Fire-type Pokemon are built physically.
    Well, Bite does have a crappy BP and no STAB. I probably would've gone with Iron Head and hoped for flinch hax - until the Sunny Day comes along, that is. My ass has been saved many times by the AI's stupidity.

    I like both equally on a design basis, actually. Lugia's draconic and has a simple design, but Ho-oh is colourful and seems more regal overall. So I'm rather torn.
    Well, I also speak French and Cantonese and Mandarin. Am I eligible yet?
    Hm, that's not bad at all. It's a shame that Entei's best physical STAB is Fire Fang, though.
    Not by Smogon's standards, at least. And I meant that it's in the UU tier. I really don't see why - I always have a hell of a time taking it down.

    I'm not one of the wall types - I prefer either sweepers or tanks. So Lugia is pretty 'meh' for me.
    Just... look them up. No seriously, they're awesome. They're a weird mix of reggae, rap, and metal, and it's just awesome. Also, it sounds like drugs.
    Eh. Personally I think it's ridiculous that there are people with thousands that don't want to buy anything for other people.

    On a completely unrelated note, do you like 311? Best band ever.
    You'd better be super generous on my birthday, MF. What are you thinking, giving out Pokemon willy-nilly like that.

    Then again, you have money in the hundreds, so... note to self: reffing is super-lucrative.
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