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  • You could say it has awesome luck or something but I can't imagine it'd be easy to think of a reason for that with a Banette.
    True. But good luck coming up with a more logical reason than "IT'S CALLED RNG GOD SO THERE". :p
    Plus you could give it a sig mod enabling it to manipulate the RNG.

    You wouldn't be allowed to, but it'd work if you were.
    Well, yeah, I'm not absent, per se, just that I'll be doing stuff slower. Though commands don't take that much time, so it's more I'll be reffing slower.
    Eh? I don't recall that many mistakes... Maybe a few, but I reckon most of the questions I asked were for clarification.

    Yeah, I know. But I'm waiting for Negrek to answer a few questions about the mechanics of Snatch and Imprison before I command. Speaking of which, do you mind giving me an extension if Negrek can't answer before my DQ time is up? That is, if Kam's okay with it as well.
    Wait... what? I guess I'll have to go read that battle of yours in detail.

    At least you manage to correct most of your mistakes before posting. :P I swear, it seems like I screw up every time I ref Negrek vs. Kratos.

    but she's been kinda active for the last few days and stuff and graaaaaaah

    ANYWAY get your butt back on fasblica
    Bouncing it back and forth...? I thought Magic Coat only bounced the status back to whoever was trying to inflict it?

    Speaking of blunders, I remember a time when I wrote an entire reffing, then thought Synchronize also shared sleep, so I rewrote the entire thing. Turns out Synchronize didn't share sleep, but thankfully the battlers didn't mind me just changing the end stats.
    That's happened to me more times than I can count. And oftentimes I forget that one detail entirely until one of the battlers point it out.

    But, out of curiosity, what screwed you over this time?
    Yes, I saw. Poor Cragon.

    You may have noticed Kratos is submitting a Fakemon called Wyrmal. Everyone's going to have a lot of fun getting it confused with Wyrmarble.
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