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  • But then it's less rare! Are shinies vilified in the religion?

    Then that explains why the ocean covers most of the world - Kyogre was favored by Rayquaza.
    New official religion for Asber: The Cult of R(ayquaza)NG. Our god is a shiny Rayquaza, whose moves can never miss and always crit, if possible.

    Second official religion is bees, of course.
    I actually have a lifeguarding job lined up! (I'm just guarding a wading pool though, so that's gonna be.. slow.)

    So I guess by now you're right in the middle of exams, huh?
    It is, but I'm finding I'm getting bored pretty quickly :U Time to go outside, probably.

    Oh man good luck! Get proper sleep and eat right and all that.
    Pretty good, pretty good! Haven't really been doing anything of note, though. I'm finished with exams and such already, so I'm mostly lying around the house.

    Yeah, we definitely want Zhorken's input on this: I'm just going to post it as a thread, so that can be a draft of sorts. And if I've forgotten anything that you see, you should add it, too.
    I just assumed that was because I was seeing them and I was the one who posted! That's silly.

    Productive use of procrastination! Yeah, lack of knowing what's going on made things a lot harder for me to get, too. I'm going through the threads and almost have a good list of what we should get done when reopening, I think.
    Thanks! I think I'll get to that tomorrow.

    Also, if you haven't been checking the ASB social group lately/the past two days, I posted a little. Monday is the anniversary of ASB closing, so I'm a bit motivated by that!

    I think all we need is a bit of last-minute discussion and maybe two thread rewrites or so. Otherwise, everything's just with the app (the things keeping us from starting were app registration + app validation + veekun importation + move ... flavoration, iirc when talking to Zhorken on Friday).
    Is there a full picture for your avatar?

    The reason is that I am struck by an urge to make that Rayquaza transparent.

    ... For one, transparent Rayquaza, for another, that means any of us could add it to /anything/. Which is basically implicit in transparent Rayquaza, but.
    Er, does there need to be more than one vote on someone in order for them to be lynched?
    A Jack Black movie! It's pretty good, I'd recommend it. It's pretty cheesy, though, as us to be expected from Jack Black. It's really funny overall, though.
    ...Isn't that the Nacho Libre ripoff?

    Also, please excuse my late reply, Internet was down all day.
    Aw, thank you! :D I've never even applied for any other job before, so I'm thrilled even to have gotten an interview!
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