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  • That'd be good. Hopefully I can break my consistent night/day one death streak
    Oh! Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Hopefully it'll at least make it as a Poké Ball Pokémon.
    I... I don't know what that means, but it sounds too close to 69 for my comfort.
    Reboot is definetly necessary :p

    Maybe a loser's bracket for the bloodbath victims?
    You cruel, cruel person :p

    Harsh, but wouldn't you rather the roles play out to see if they work? I was excited for mine
    I want to see Greninja guard by wrapping itself in tongue. Only then will I be content.

    Nope, not Tanooki! There's an actual Flying Squirrel Mario. Sort of dumb, but what is anyone going to do? It has a weird sort of flying where it just glides downward at about a twenty-degree-angle.
    Poopsticks. How about "does someone we would probably really want to kill claim ____?"
    ... nah, I kid. I guess I'll think on it and shoot you another Vanilla Mongoose if I have another question.

    Also I have a feeling this gif is relevant to Pokechoice mafia:
    Is it starting to hurt?

    I feel like the bloodbath made this a little less fun for you because the experimental roles got partially removed
    Oh, whoops, I didn't even see this message.

    I'm hoping for really high jumps! Greninja's design is just really awesome, I was secretly hoping they would put it in. Prediction: the tongue is going to be part of at least one taunt.

    I can imagine a Flying-Squirrel-Mario-esque flying style would suit it nicely. It reminds me of Wario for some reason.
    Hey MF, is "did a mafia-aligned player claim ________" a valid oracle question for you?
    (should this go in PMs?)
    I feel like it might be a Lucario Clone. Water Shurikens instead of Aura Spheres, Shadow Sneak instead of Extreme Speed, et cetera.

    Hawlucha would have been awesome.
    I suppose that's true, but I feel as though a lot of the characters they marks as bad are not that bad! Lucario has a pretty good range of attacks and a really good gimmick.
    I think personal preferences disturb the perception of metagame tiers a lot. I refuse to believe Lucario is as bad they say he is.
    If that means what I think it does, probably. I rarely play a game after I beat it, because there are so many other games.

    God, I hate Fox. I don't have any control over him, he's so fast.
    That makes sense. Stage hazards sort of turn me off. I always do the Standard stage in Super Smash Bros., because there's no tricks to it or anything.
    Do people go flying every time you hit them or something? Like Super Smash Bros., with high damage percentages?
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