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  • I feel like Pokechoice would have been better if not for a massive bloodbath. Because my roles were interesting :p
    True, true. But 19 is a prime number! ... These two things go hand in hand, so I guess that would be a negative to you.

    Yes! But accelgor. It would be a betrayal.

    Oh no :C Better throw it, then.
    I actually like 19 a lot! It looks nice, at least in symbols.

    Ones and sevens, though. Threes to a lesser extent.

    I know! I considered changing too, though I think having my Tuft avatar is just /me/ now. I guess because I'm not actually you or Negrek? and Rayquaza has such a long neck, too, perfect for a knife :D though trying it on a legend may not work.
    I noticed your birthday too late on the day to say anything, but ever since I've been disturbed that your profile lists your age as 20 instead of 19??? Of course it does, but it feels like a significant change. Decade-change irrationality, I suppose.

    Also, while I'm making offbeat comments, Rayquaza avatar :D admittedly it makes me feel like you're in CAHOOTS with Negrek, but.
    you host THE BEST GAMES
    it's always so interesting??? There are so many unique roles and everything has more than one aspect to it. It's wonderful.
    Blargh can you tell I'm sleepy
    Well I didn't mean GM like right away RIGHT NOW GO I just meant sometime in the future :D I mean the right away RIGHT NOW GO would be pressuring and that's never good. But you have very good ideas. Just a bit disappointed that in both games, the rng dictated that I'd get more standard roles :P

    I'm pretty sure it's tied right now, yeah. And good to hear, we can rest easier now. :P
    Gen IV choice is /so exciting/ :D You should GM more, really
    You're not going to bop us over the head with "suddenly night" are you, though?
    :D Thanks~

    Also I just realized that for some reason we don't have each other as friends. Gonna go send a friend request right about now.
    oh no it's actually dis- + mal- + fortunate. of course longer and more specific is not actually infrequent with resspeak compounds, and resspeak is fairly agglutinative. two simple prefixes. maybe not simple.
    Blarp sorry I had a tab with this conversation open so the notification went away, but I didn't actually realize I got a new message.

    Exams are over, yup, and I'm feeling great, so you can go right ahead and PM me c:
    Heh, yes it does. :P That was a short, but enjoyable game; looking forward to gen VI choice!

    Yeah, Lumiose does have tons of elements to work with. Gangs and hobos and stylishness, oh my.
    "Private Messages: Unread 0, Total 902.
    Your PM box is 90% full."

    Yeah, it was really intense for a while! And really, I'm only hanging on to ~twenty-five for Sprites!Mafia - it's incomplete records now, since I had to delete my received PMs during the rush, but I still have my sent ones and I've been keeping records of all night actions anyway so.
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