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  • That's alright, I can wait. And did I ever tell you you write great flavour text? First the hipsters, now the Dead Hobo incident.

    Yeah, I feel pretty good c: Thanks
    Eh, doesn't look like anyone's interested in further discussion anyway, so. I'm fine with the day ending.
    Psh, the law. No, the barrier to become a serial killer in real life is that you have to leave the computer and go outside.

    More like bad to neutral and then neutral to neutral with upward momentum. But yes, that's good.

    Yeah, I gathered. Glad you managed to get out of it intact though :P
    It's the only supplement for /real/ blood of a bunch of people you don't even know. Not a very good supplement, but what can you do.

    I do feel quite a bit better, yes. I'm... not sure when I messaged you saying I was feeling better before, like whether it was after I had another short chat with my mom, but. Things are looking up.
    Thanks again c: And you know the same offer extends to you, yeah?

    Ahh, I see. Yeah it's probably the poofiness, and also that I'm terrible at replying to PMs and that's what we used to communicate for most of last year... heh. Oops.
    Well I don't think anyone's complaining about a little more time. Unless everyone's just itching for my blood and itching for another night to perform nefarious deeds.

    Thanks a lot c: Fortunately this time I think things have sorted themselves out fairly well. But yeah, as long as you exist on the internet I know I can complain at you <3~~
    (random question, when did you start using C:? I've never really seen many people use it)
    Sure thing. Thanks for being a considerate GM~ (in terms of time, at least, we'll see about the roles :P) I'll likely be rather busy tomorrow, though I should have time to squeeze in some mafia if I feel up to it.
    It's really up to you, but I don't know if I'd bother putting in the energy to make large posts to defend myself. I mean, my chances look very slim right now. :P
    I have a niggling feeling you introduced some fairly bastardy roles. If/when I die, would I be allowed to ask for what happened so far? I /am/ quite interested.
    Thank you c:

    I'm already feeling quite a bit better, having talked to my mom a bit. I'm still rather emotionally exhausted but I should be fine somewhat soon.
    "Lights remained on in windows all around the bustling streets of Lumiose City, and its one and only Prism Tower began to shed to its bright lights once more for the pride of all but the hipsters."

    for all but the hipsters
    Done! Eventually either that'll happen automatically, or you'll be able to do it yourself.
    Haha, well, it's not really either — it takes about ten seconds to register, and zero action on my part, so go ahead if you're curious, but there's not really anything you can do on it yet aside from deposit, withdraw, and buy Pokémon.
    Right, southern hemisphere? I had this vague recollection that your school year was different. :P

    (not quite owing, I mean it's kinda Not Good if I only want to listen because I owe you. I just... feel like I should, and it's definitely worth listening to you, partially because you've listened to me before? Yeah.)
    Like, I have school from September to the end of April or so. What about you?

    (not a problem, you've listened to enough of my problems :P The very least I can do is return the favour)
    Ah, I see. What's your school year like for uni?

    (alright, if you say so. c: And yeah, that's a good point)
    Thanks again :D Do you have exams soon or?

    (ah, well, if it's stuff you want to talk about ASAP then I don't mind you shooting me a PM right now! I still have a few days before the storm. If you feel like it can wait and you want to wait then sure, but I don't mind talking about stuff now c: Far from it)
    Thanks :D

    (... and yeah, that is pretty interesting. Although a lot of the stuff in the PMs isn't stuff I'd like in the public eye, anyway. :P ... and I wasn't that good with replying to PMs anyway, oops)
    Hey, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Here are summaries for all the new items, and ilke Mai said, we need full flavour text for them. (Here's all the existing item flavour for reference, if you need it.)
    Hm! Well, we need flavor for the held items introduced in X and Y, but I don't have a list for you right now - ask Zhorken, maybe? If we get you put into the social group, that might be easier.
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