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  • Caliber > Rifle

    The only thing about SoulCalibur is that, in my experience, it's incredibly buggy. One time I hit someone once, they fell of the stage, and that was it. I have an older one, though.
    I would use some sort of angry reaction image at that, but I don't really have a collection. So it's always frustrating to go out and find one, even when I have something in mind.
    I really, really want to know what that was. I've never seen anything like it. It seems like a pretty interesting role!

    No, it's pretty much Mortal Kombat with different characters. I'm not a fan of shooting games at all. Also, I misspelled, apparently it's SoulCalibur. Here's a link.
    But you can't tell off Rayquaza with Rayquaza. It just doesn't work.

    (Normally,) would an alien, activated or not, show up on death as mafia?
    Far from the first. Pokechoice mafia probably bit a sizable chunk out of my brain.
    True, true. Then you should totally edit that last gif to label Groudon and Kyogre, then scribble over whichever is labeled Zexion with red.
    God, this game must have gone pretty wrong somewhere.

    ...See above comment.

    I haven't played much Mortal Kombat; I do more Soul Caliber. I probably would have felt out of place. And I don't know if it's any fun, but it certainly seems like it. I enjoy the fast-pacedness of real-world games of Mafia, so presumably IRC mafia would be good for similar reasons.

    I... I'm not quite sure how to respond to that. Yes, I understand the hidden message. No, I won't ask again. Please don't get the whip.
    but 20 has the has the same potential with 1 * 20, it just makes it unique and that's awesome as hell

    it'll come down eventually.

    can I ask pokechoice modquestions over VM since no threadposting (it's about Visitor Message)
    Trying...? You didn't pay for your actions? You're going to have to answer to someone. You can't run from the authority

    In that case, is "eventually" synonymous with "in a thousand years"?

    Oh! Huh, that's a good idea. Honestly, I want to see IRC Mafia make a comeback, because I feel like it would be a lot of fun!

    And that's the fun part! Maybe you should hide clues in all of your past posts and force someone to figure it out. >:D
    But was it you?

    ...That's ominous.

    Oh! That makes sense. What happens if there's a tie?
    Oh my god. I... I feel terrible now.

    I guess that bloodbath was, er, really something. I'm not even sure what to make of it. I guess I'll find out what it was when the game is over, haha.

    Googling "Mafia fight" gives me a lot of weird videos that I don't want to watch, so I'm going to go ahead and assume they aren't very frequent. Do they break out when people are arguing, or is it more algorithmatic?
    Yeah, I was hoping he didn't think that. "Hey, was Superbird innocent?" "Shut up and die."

    And what!! That's ridiculous. Looking at it, I guess there's a fight? I've never seen that before. Is it a regular mechanic, or is one of your things?
    Thanks! That helps a lot, actually. Hopefully I'll learn from this! I have another idea for a Mafia, I think, so we'll see how that goes.

    By the way, how is the Pokéchoice one playing out? I hear it's pretty interesting, but I stopped paying attention after I died because there are so many replies and I don't really have time.
    This has been like... 10 pages. How does it feel to sit and watch their theories, knowing the truth?

    I take it it was a random chance thing that two people did things that screwed people over?
    but they're cool and special. can you say that 19 is just 4 * 5? No, you can't.

    ... Touche.

    I used mind reader! Fly won't help it.
    Yes, rub it in :p

    It looks like this is an eternal day. Maybe a reboot but minus the bloodbath next time?
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