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  • Yeah, people always tend to overestimate the power of protect when they first start playing. There are usually better ways of getting out of bad situations, especially if you're going first.

    Exploding smuppets clearly wins.
    Brazil? Because in Brazil they speak Portuguese.

    The admin at a spriting forum I used to go to was from Brazil (although he lives in Canada now) and he asked all the members that question. Nobody could answer it.

    Man, I wonder what happened to Shed. He was a cool bro.
    Smell is an interesting way to go for that move, seeing as it doesn't seem to have all that much to do with struggling. :P Interesting that you tend to go with light/dark associations for Reshiram and Zekrom; I don't really think of them as having anything to do with that, although perhaps not finishing White yet is the culprit there.

    I imagine it won't take your players long to catch on. The basic strategies are pretty low-hanging.

    Nice April Fool's reffing, by the way.
    In an astonishing coincidence, all of Zero's battles began with him being called out to fight a Pokemon named Dexter.

    I feel bad for them now! :(

    Anticlimax is cool though!

    in other news this is a p. cool music video, although it's some obscure 90's pop song i doubt you'd like
    I think it would be cool if we had a dramatic scene where Safetymouse was about to fall into the lava. Dangermouse has a change of heart and tries to stop her from falling, but he can't and he watches his love fall into oblivion.
    Okay, I think I can get you down to 1% at the end of this round. If I get lucky with a crit, I can get a victory this round!

    And if not you have an enemy with 90% health on your hands. :)
    That's a great strategy imo

    I don't think I can kill you by the end of the round, so you have that to your advantage.

    Either way, you get two experience for the fight so you can evolve your Nidoran!
    We need Ironic Dave style

    and Maggyo style

    speaking of which how do you like getting your ASS kicked?

    post commands mofo
    ... oh what. I thought you were saying that the arena was mostly dry with a pool of water, or something, and Remoraid couldn't move out of the water...

    I wonder how many will fall for that :P Speaking of April Fool's I think I liked the Stunfisk skin better.
    Well, I guess you're right about that... In this case perhaps you can use Dive to safely set up, then. :P

    From what I've seen, when there's a disruption in the chain of actions via, in this case, Protect, people tell their Pokemon to shuffle their actions, but that uses up even more conditionals, and so on... But once again the only thing we can do is wait for them to learn that spamming Protect is a poor strategy.
    In those circumstances I like to be showy and use all sorts of random crap because I can. :P Remoraid has a ton of projectile attacks, though, so the movement restriction doesn't seem like such a biggie.

    Well in the TCoD league, the reduced super-effective modifier means that sometimes, STABed moves will be stronger than super-effective moves, often with a slightly lower energy expenditure. So you could always get around it that way. Or Disable, Spite, etc. but maybe it's just that most of the Pokemon I choose tend to lean towards those types of disruptive moves. I've fallen for that "if your opponent attacks, do this" before (e.g. Countering a Tackle), but I've since learned. Hopefully they'll learn, too.
    Sorry for the slow replies; I've been reffing (who would've thought?).

    You don't necessarily have to be in a tight spot to show creativity. It could be as simple as Teleporting or Digging away to safely set up, or using an unlikely arena feature to block attacks (Negrek's Lotad shield comes to mind). Of course some really impressive stuff comes up when you're about to get owned, but it's not always like that.

    It's hard to be creative when your Pokemon is asleep, heh. The only things you really /can/ do are to Chill, Sleep Talk, or Snore. Although personally I'd ask about the severity of the sleep, especially after two super-effective attacks.

    Well, Protect lasts the entire action anyway, so that wouldn't really work. Not to mention massive energy expenditure. I myself just tend to set up while they Protect instead of trying to break through it; they can't try to Protect forever.
    Seems like an interesting group you have there, for sure. Given time I'm pretty sure they'll pick up on each others' strategies, especially the latter group, as it's easier to learn the basics of a game than to learn creativity. I'm assuming they'll be battling the other group from time to time, so it'll be difficult not to notice what other people are doing right.

    Well, judging by the in-game animation, I think of a Rock Tomb more like a Rock Slide, with fewer but heavier boulders. Y'know, rocks falling from the sky, the whole jazz... I'd probably have made the same mistake if I was in your position. Also I tried that same stalling strategy with Mike in our battle in Shibuya, and forgot as well :P But I guess the end result was better for me than it will be for you.

    That's a pity. ._. Well, maybe you could ask for a rematch, assuming he re-appears.
    I'm guessing it's that many people lack that creativity. The person I'm currently teaching ASB to right now is too rooted in his competitive battling ways, but I'm trying to teach him to use the arena and moves normally useless in competitive battling.

    Now that I think about it, it was probably the arena that worked in your favour the first time - Bronzor don't have as many projectile attacks, iirc. But when you're fighting in a volcano, the consentually flying Pokemon, especially whose wings can be damaged, will almost certainly fare worse than the inherently hovering Pokemon.
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