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  • And are then immobilized for the remainder of the song. How is that handled, anyway? I mean are there any commands that can be issued in that time?

    (Also here's something for you to get nicely annoyed about: I have never listened to a Metallica song.)
    So that battle of yours. When the last song says 'struck by an Explosion', is that that they are on the non-sacrificial end of an Explosion attack?
    I meant to remind you earlier but my battle with Atmey Detective seems to have gone over DQ time ^^;;
    I'm sorry if I'm being a pest about it.
    What do you mean? Half of the forum is inactive and joined a long time ago...though there is a much higher rate of older members staying active...hm.
    I've been here for a /very/ short period of time, but it still feels like I just joined...maybe I'm slightly more mature now then when I joined, though.
    ...oh my...you're the 2243th member here...and I'm...3243th...you joined one thousand members before me...
    Until the battle stuff is all implemented, I'll just add experience, money, and so on when I see a battle wrap up. After that point you can evolve your pokémon at your leisure through the team management screen. When the battle system is done, the ref will be responsible for giving out end-of-battle EXP and prizes, and then you'd do the evolution through your ASBCP like you will now.
    The Inferno works and hits the icicle, but since she had not a lot of time to counterattack (in-story) the attack was too weak to stop the icicle and it hit anyway.
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