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  • Well, you'll just watch them wail in anguish as they see that opportunity pass by. But there'll always be those skeptics that ruin the joke :P

    That's true. *shrug* I'd just stick with a shortage of refs rather than have to correct them every other reffing.

    Remoraid do have a very wide movepool; so does Absol. And in ASB the movepool is practically everything. But hey, ghosts and phasing in this ASB is rather broken as well. And I guess that's true; I've battled like no tomorrow. Pity that my first battle, and iirc, my first ended battle, both ended in losses.
    Haha. Even Kratos wouldn't be able to afford that if she was in your ASB.

    Well, in my eyes, missing that paralyzed Agility thing would be fine for a novice ref so long as their description is good enough. Specifics such as those should definitely be picked up by higher-ranking refs, though.

    I meant that judging by what you say about the general strategy of your ASB, you should be plenty better than them. Either way, battle record isn't the most accurate way to judge a person's battle prowess - but I'm not too proud of my 50 50 battle record either. :/
    I think my battle with Atmey Detective will end in a DQ, they haven't been on in a while.
    Putting it through any's damage calculator gives 24. So, yeah. :p

    It better be less than 25 anyway, because exploding acorns.
    I think Kratos adds 2 to base damage for every stat increase, so with Acrobat I'm pretty sure we're looking at 24% damage. So he should hang on with 1%, which would be perfect.

    Now if only Seedot learned Pain Split or Endeavour.
    Eh, I just set it up so that unless the attack's target is "self," you can only use it on other pokémon. That's an enterprising user there, though. Points for outside-the-box thinking.

    After you is a bit of an odd one, yeah, but I found struggle bug to be pretty intuitive, myself. The user is all creepy crawly and unsettling, and the other pokémon gets all freaked out and distracted by it, which reduces concentration and therefore special attack. The only odd thing about it is that it's not a contact move... when I first read the name and effect I assumed it would be the user climbing all over the target, giving them a light drubbing with its many limbs and generally being gross. I guess the idea is that the opponent is so revolted by the sight of the bug that they're actually physically damaged, but given that the base damage is actually higher than that of things like icicle spear, which is, you know, getting stabbed by a sharp ice thing, I threw some of that handy "bug energy" in there to justify it doing a bit more damage.

    I don't honestly remember if I have super fang affected by damage caps at this point; I just have to decide what I want my policy to be on that as I work through the rewrite.

    Some people don't like damage caps, and that's fine, really. As long as you're prepared to play the more aggressive style that not having caps engenders, there's no problem with it. I tend to use caps to help mitigate the potential for one person to really screw up their commands and have their opponent take advantage to the tune of 70% of their health, for example, and because I prefer the less aggressive style that works well with them.
    Well, even some of the referees here have some sparse description... Personally I'd be more interested in having accurate calculations. Then again I don't know how the people in your ASB write :/

    Not to mention Protecting like that wastes a ton of energy, heh. Well, guess they'll learn with time... I'm guessing that you have a perfect battle record though :P
    'Kay, great then. Looks like this'll work.

    Tell me about it :U I've tried teaching people at my school ASB, but as they're the piupiu shooting games type, they/I gave up pretty soon. I thought about running my own ASB once upon a time but right now it seems like I'm too busy too.

    Hey, I spam Hyper Beam when the situation calls for it, you know :P Still, I do see those types of command strings in this ASB, probably not as frequently though. And for me it's a bit more than a minor irritation...
    Would... say, 10 meters be overly-hopeful?

    The people in your ASB don't sound so nice to deal with... Aside from that, how's being the leader of an ASB?
    Oh, I get it. And to clarify some more (sorry if I'm asking too many questions, but since these are the semifinals and all I'd really like there to be little room for error), the brave bird Pokemon will only have to stay at the peak of the water spout for a brief moment, so approximately how high will the brave bird Pokemon be able to go if it doesn't need to hover?
    Yeah, I tried to be a little more conservative with my grades this time, seeing as last round I didn't give anyone a score under 6. So this time I decided not to give anything over 8 instead.
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