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  • And why have you been too busy to ref...? Or am I not supposed to know? :P

    Hm, actually... Its translated name was Bug Repellent, iirc (at least, that was what it was typed as on Pokemon Online), and that makes me think of the weird yellow liquid that crickets squirt when they're in trouble. So maybe Struggle Bug could work like some spray of liquid that lowers sp. attack, or something...? I'm explaining this badly aren't I.
    I know! The real reason I started reading it was, well, I was thinking,"What the HECK is gallowsCalibrator??? And what is up with ectoBiologist?" And now it's clear. Wow. o.O
    In the process of reading it. After seeing all these people with words like 'gardenGnostic' and 'gallowsCalibrator', and Terezi Pyrope(a username and a friend) asked me to check it out, so I did. I haven't gotten far, I started yesterday. But I got far. Or maybe not, the pages are short....
    Why do you need too describe all these moves, again?

    Also as I'm too lazy to Google it what does Struggle Bug even do

    I need $20, and fast. I can repay you with interest when the ASB switches over.

    Trust me on this one.
    Well without its tail and arms, Aggron would look quite odd, not to mention it probably wouldn't be able to balance. Also now I'm imagining a large portion of Geodude's main body crumbling away... This should go in Nightmare Fuel.

    imo I think the more normal examples (e.g. Aron, Geodude) are more horrific. ): I'm imagining Aggron without arms and a tail, or Golem without its head and limbs...
    It's easy! You get all your role details once you join one and they start the night phase! And if you have questions the GM should be able to answer them!
    hell, a lot of bugs learn psybeam...

    arguably, you could do that for vriska if you change her poison to psychic
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