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  • honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. honk. HONK. :o)
    Oh, ok.

    It's fine. I just had to make sure you were still going to do it so I knew if I needed to call for an e-ref or not. I can wait ^^
    Do you think you'll ref my battle with Atmey Detective? Cuz if you don't feel up to it I'll ask for an e-ref.
    How long have you been reading for?

    Also, I find that I can't help but make every stupid-awesome picture I create resemble SBahJ.
    Eh, at least I got some damage on you! And I also learned Nidoran can use Disable.

    Also, Homestuck is really awesome! KEEP READING.
    Possibly! At the moment my Phoenixdex priorities are leaning more toward fixing up the site itself, but I am going to make note of that for when that all settles down!

    I appreciate the corrections/help!
    Ah, no, encanoto can't shapeshift, though I suppose they can hypnotize people into thinking that they've changed; it was more the encantado's behavior after the transformation (or after changing back) I was interested in. Like the aforementioned partying and... other things.
    Ah, well, boto I hadn't noticed, so thank you for that; encanoto is actually supposed to be partially based on the mythical encantados, though, and I simply haven't found the right way to weasel some of the more questionable aspects of their character into a second dex entry yet. But I appreciate the correction if I worded it awkwardly! I will attend to that... soonish.
    I would be more than happy to hear nitpicking from a more reliable source than Wikipedia. Be my guest.

    And thank you!
    Eh, I figure lower grades should be reserved for appeals which didn't work as intended or were really bad, and most of them were pretty ok.
    See, good things do come to those who wait.
    Thats why I took so long. To make my secondary judgings as awesome as possible.
    I will get right on them tomorrow because right now I need to sleep
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