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  • ..You do realize that if you get approved, you'll have to write them in a much more timely manner?
    Oh, good :D

    I've been getting a lot of 500 errors lately, yes. And the forum's server seems to be being shut down a lot D:
    It seems competent; you don't need to.

    Ahaha, it happens to me.

    Thank you! And you're welcome. I don't mean it to be "HEY YOUR ENTIRE REFEREE TRYOUT IS AWFUL >:(" sounding at all. I hope you didn't take it that way.
    Hey, just read your ref application. While I really like your tone, it is a bit on the short side. Work on it a little if you have time.

    Oh, and I thank you for making me realize Speed Boost only grants +1 speed at the end of every round, as opposed to every action.
    Also, since Negrek is already pretty busy, if you really don't think you're going to get in, just don't.

    "He than flied up" is a major typo; it should be "He then flew up".

    I think it's "typos"...I'm not sure.
    I thought I'd drop by and give you critique on your referee tryout.

    1) Your application is absolutely full of typos! D:
    2) Your energy and health calculations seem to be somewhat off, though mine tend to be off myself.
    3) You doubleposted your application.
    4) The description comes off as if you wrote it in a rush.
    5) The description isn't very decriptive.
    6) Your sentences are extremely choppy, and your writing needs some work.

    Short way: You're not likely to pass due to writing and calculation errors; complete some more ASB battles and practice your writing before trying again.

    Extrashort way: Not Approved

    I'm not trying to be condescending, just pointing out some fatal errors you made in your reffing.
    I'm not actually Croatian myself, if that's what you thought. I was translating Scythe into a few languages (for my Scyther), and "Kositi sounded the coolest, so I decided to use Croatian for all my Pokemon,
    Hello there, Mendatt! :3

    Mew-Victini OR Mewtwo-Victini. I've used splices of both sets as avatars.

    Though right now I'm Indigo, yeah. but you can call me both.

    I was Mewtwo+Victini for longer than I was Mew+Victini, though.
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