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  • Yea I've noticed it, but I won't mention it since Arylett has already pretty much pounded into his head by now that he's not very good at it
    Alright - that's fine. It's too bad, but I understand your reasoning.

    Would you like me to open up your spot?
    I'm working on it. Sorry, I would've had it the other day, but... well, my usually fairly unbusy life suddenly decided to get busy. It's slowing down now. You'll be getting it quite soon, I assure you.
    Working on a comic (going to put it up in a thread once I get it done)!

    How are you doing?

    Would you mind taking your signature out of that application post? Go to "Edit" then "Go Advanced" and scroll down, to the "Show Signature" tickbox. (Uncheck it.)

    If you already knew, then.
    Its my favorite evolutionary line out of them all-it even trumps Mudkip's and Riolu's evolutionary lines, IMO. If I could actually play as Ralts in Mystery Dungeon, I would. But since I can't.....There's always the awesomeness of Mudkip and Riolu!
    well, mine is very situational, and thus it can only happen if certain things happen exactly, which is neigh on impossible.
    Odd dream, fo sure. At least its not as odd as me planning out exactly what would happen to Psy from now until the end of the RP. Of course, pay no heed to the fact that I did this while I was supposed to be doing some school work XD
    Haha. Its even better because of the fact she can now use chatter. Oh I can only imagine it would do a ridiculous amount of damage due to the amount she talks XD
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