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  • I dunno, it just...does. I think Dannichu had a similar avatar before you arrived or something. It just...fits her personality perfectly. Or her Avatar taste, at least.
    I PMed you the conversation we had earlier on Mibbit. I asked you to log it for me, for I do not have pastebin.

    But, i might not have sent... let me see if I still have it.

    cravingSteampunk [hello]
    cravingSteampunk [menatt y u no anser?]
    mistralEnchanter ~Hell{|}~
    mistralEnchanter ~I ap{|}l{|}gize f{|}r making y{|}u wait~
    mistralEnchanter ~I was busy~
    cravingSteampunk [how r u sir?]
    mistralEnchanter ~I'm g{|}{|}d~
    cravingSteampunk [thats good 2 heer]
    cravingSteampunk [hav eny planz for 2day?]
    mistralEnchanter ~N{|}, but I believe that the game that Frirtz menti{|}ned is g{|}ing t{|} start s{|}{|}n~
    mistralEnchanter ~Did Frirtz talk t{|} y{|} ab{|}ut that?~
    cravingSteampunk [good] [good]
    cravingSteampunk [no not as of yet]
    mistralEnchanter ~It s{|}unds like it is g{|}ing to be fun~
    cravingSteampunk [it sertinlee duz]
    mistralEnchanter ~S{|} h{|}w are things g{|}ing {|}ver there, Vercin?~
    cravingSteampunk [good eenuff] [i am a little bord tho]
    mistralEnchanter ~I see~
    mistralEnchanter ~Are y{|}u having a g{|}{|}d day?~
    cravingSteampunk [kwite] [i am injoiing talking to pepul tho]
    mistralEnchanter ~Indeed, talking t{|} pe{|}ple is quite enj{|}yable~
    cravingSteampunk [hou iz ur lusus?] [rowanoak iz doing kwite wel]
    mistralEnchanter ~I think Avare is g{|}ing to incinerate herself s{|}{|}n.~
    cravingSteampunk [that cood b unfortunit]
    mistralEnchanter ~It's getting t{|}wards the end {|}f the s{|}lar sweep~
    cravingSteampunk [yes] [yes]
    mistralEnchanter ~Which means the time is c{|}ming~
    mistralEnchanter ~Which means that I'm g{|}ing to have t{|} deal with an infantile firebird f{|}r a while~
    cravingSteampunk [wat iz ur strife specibus agen?] [i alwayz furgit]
    mistralEnchanter ~Glaivekind~
    cravingSteampunk [impresiv] [i prefur wrenchkind miself]
    mistralEnchanter ~I see~
    mistralEnchanter ~I have never particularly liked wrenches~
    cravingSteampunk [all i hav rite now tho iz a simpl wrenchstaf]
    cravingSteampunk [i need 2 b mor kreativ]
    mistralEnchanter ~I have tw{|} questi{|}ns~
    cravingSteampunk [yes?]
    mistralEnchanter ~What is the p{|}int {|}f a wrenchstaff~
    mistralEnchanter ~And d{|} I want t{|} kn{|}w~
    cravingSteampunk [...its just lik a reguler wrench]
    cravingSteampunk [u c]
    cravingSteampunk [only its very large]
    mistralEnchanter ~Ah~
    mistralEnchanter ~A very large wrench~
    mistralEnchanter ~H{|}w w{|}nderful~
    cravingSteampunk [it iz]
    cravingSteampunk [for the most part]
    mistralEnchanter ~I supp{|}se~
    mistralEnchanter ~Can y{|]u cut cheese with it?~
    cravingSteampunk [i just wish it did mor things]
    cravingSteampunk [probabli]
    mistralEnchanter ~... {|}kay..~
    cravingSteampunk [y wood i need to cut cheez tho?]
    mistralEnchanter ~I d{|}n't kn{|}w~
    cravingSteampunk [then y wood u ask?]
    mistralEnchanter ~I d{|}n't kn{|}w~
    cravingSteampunk [o and b4 i furgit]
    cravingSteampunk [im tieping in orring bcuz yello iz 2 hard 2 reed]
    mistralEnchanter ~{|]kay~
    cravingSteampunk [yea]
    cravingSteampunk [i alredy talked to the sleepi 1]
    cravingSteampunk [wats its name]
    mistralEnchanter ~Emmett?~
    mistralEnchanter ~B{|}x guy?~
    cravingSteampunk [the 1 wif the bass]
    mistralEnchanter ~Instrument {|}r fish?~
    cravingSteampunk [and we decided yello was 2 hard to reed compitentli]
    cravingSteampunk [instrment]
    mistralEnchanter ~What is his bl{|}{|}d c{|}l{|}r?~
    cravingSteampunk [musturd yello]
    mistralEnchanter ~Y{|}u mean y{|}u, perhaps?~
    cravingSteampunk [oh]
    cravingSteampunk [yea]
    cravingSteampunk [i misred ur messige]
    cravingSteampunk [it wuz zreiga]
    mistralEnchanter ~{|}h~
    mistralEnchanter ~She's kind {|}f bizarre~
    cravingSteampunk [yea i forgot hiz name 4 a bit there] cravingSteampunk [u no zreigas gender?]
    cravingSteampunk [i thot it wuz a misteri]
    mistralEnchanter ~I just refer t{|} him as a she {|}r a he, alternatively~
    cravingSteampunk [i c]
    cravingSteampunk [thats strang]
    mistralEnchanter ~Is there anything specific you need to discuss?~
    mistralEnchanter ~Because if there is n{|}t~
    mistralEnchanter ~I need t{|} g{|} pay attenti{|}n t{|} avare~
    cravingSteampunk [not partikerali]
    cravingSteampunk [no]
    cravingSteampunk [wats avare?]
    mistralEnchanter ~Lusus, remember~
    cravingSteampunk [rite]
    mistralEnchanter ~In that case, I shall away~
    mistralEnchanter ~G{|}{|}dbye~
    cravingSteampunk [c ya]

    it seems I do. Please log this. Thank you.
    Mendatt, I though I was the one that was supposed to with happy birthdays in some odd way. D<
    Hm, that is a crying shame. Perhaps you would like someone to fix that?

    Terezi is fallaciously claiming that I pull my pants up to my neck. Do not believe her lies.
    And we've got a challenge! That will probably only get a ref in a few months or so!

    Alright then, rival.
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