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  • :P


    0 C4N4D4, TH3 14ND 1 N3V3R M4D3 U9!

    50, H0W'5 TH15 3V3N1N6 TR34T1N6 Y0U?




    I like to over complex things like that. Such as the liquid refreshment recepticle device.

    You have now improved my opinion of ten year olds by 50%, My little sister is 9 and annoys the hell out of me. Otherwise it's hard to find a ten year old that wants more in life then to just roll in the dirt or dance. Or at least from my experience. I wish there were more people like you in this world, honestly.

    *OOOH, how so? Scratch edits? Splicing? Recolouring? Devamping? Revamping? Do tell!*
    It's a stylistic choice, okay? (hey, Pathos does it too)

    The base PP of the move. Any non-silly Dex should have it.

    Well maybe I will. I just so happen to have too much time on my hands anyway.

    I choose not to capitalize them since Pokemon seem to replace animals in their world, and no one capitalizes animal species names (as far as I know at least). And the calcs were made with this, which is what everyone else seems to be using :P

    Hey, don't crush my dreams :o

    runrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrun *O24*







    Okay, fixing a cat's leg is something that is hard to do as a ten year old, moreso over the internet. Opinion has Increased!
    Hai! How's your day? :T

    I just applied for a ref license. Hopefully I won't fail *too* badly.

    I saw. :3 *is currently annoyed because I have to type up two battle rounds*
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