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  • {:U

    The last one makes me confused.

    (:o) Xb






    *I can tell. Thank you. Not a problem.*

    O24 O25 O24 O25 O24 O52

    (:P) XD





    I wish. They still act like five year olds.

    *It's still a good recolour. I'm working on scratch spriting. I'm trying to get the style to match that of the official pokemon sprites. Your recolour was quite good though*

    runrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrunrun O24 O24 O24

    (yeh) 84H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4H4

    N0T 4 9R0813M





    Lol, the guys my age are odd to say the least. Often their conversations are disturbing to be in the same room as. It's the type of conversation that would make you clutch your bag a little tighter and cross the road.

    *AWESOME. I've got two albums of some of the stuff I do when I'm bored, the mechas are somethign I wanted to do one afternoon while the internet was down. 'Twas fun. But, I repeat, AWESOME!*


    (O CANADA, THE LAND I NEVER MADE UP!) H4H4, 1 M4D3 Y0U UN4813 T0 R34D 1T, Y4Y!

    835T 0F 1UCK T0 Y0U, TH3N.




    :) it's a challenge that keeps me occupied on the quieter school days.

    Errrr, wat. That... that's just weird.
    Not a problem, it's true.

    *Awesome, I might do a bit of sprite work later on if Silver lets me take a break from the story I'm writing. I'm not sure.*


    0 C4N4D4, TH3 14ND 1 N3V3R M4D3 U9!

    50, H0W'5 TH15 3V3N1N6 TR34T1N6 Y0U?




    I like to over complex things like that. Such as the liquid refreshment recepticle device.

    You have now improved my opinion of ten year olds by 50%, My little sister is 9 and annoys the hell out of me. Otherwise it's hard to find a ten year old that wants more in life then to just roll in the dirt or dance. Or at least from my experience. I wish there were more people like you in this world, honestly.

    *OOOH, how so? Scratch edits? Splicing? Recolouring? Devamping? Revamping? Do tell!*
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