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  • Well, I read some too, like Me and my Flame and A Little Night Music. The former is very good. I couldn't sleep reading it - and it took three days, during which I ignored all homework and took my e-reader to school D: . The teacher thought it was weird when I randomly started crying in class. He thought I was on pot XD. The second, meh, but whatever you do, DON'T READ THE SEQUEL. Or if you have to, DON'T READ CHAPTERS 51 AND 52. Those chapters are outright porn.

    H) (Why, Yes!)

    H] (Ah well, that's fair.)

    :A (I still have one week and one day, but ours are probably a bit longer than yours while our summer break is shorter.)

    When I was nine or ten, my friend Jenny and I were bouncing on her trampoline making up silly names, and one of hers was Jorkin. I sorta liked the sound of that, so I tweaked it to sound more cool and less silly and I liked what I made so a few years later I adopted it as my Internet name everywhere!

    D| (Very much so)

    X} (That's good.)

    |:N (Enjoyed your week so far?)

    :7 I still never got into it.
    It's one of my favourite songs.

    D) (Quite.)

    X] (Damn, that must get lonely.)

    <:> (P'rhaps.)

    Ah, right, I've never gotten too far into Homestuck.
    Procrastinators: the leaders of tomorrow! 8D

    But in all seriousness, do not procrastinate; I learned that the hard way.... x3;;;
    Ever heard On the Wing by Owl City?

    8| (Yes.)

    :[D (Darn, Spend a bit too much time elsewhere?)

    <:< (:^D)

    ...Where do I know that face from?
    Well, speaking of essays, I have to finish creating an outline for one by this Thursday for my English class. >.< I'm going to write it on the Internet and its cultural impact on the development of society.

    ...That's pretty much it. xD;;; Meh, I got nothing interesting to say about essays other than the fact that I never once finished an essay on time- and yet I still manage to pass them. In any case, protip: DO NOT PROCRASTINATE! Always start on your assignments as soon as you receive them. :3
    Ahh, cyberschool. Now THAT makes a lot more sense to me. x3
    Speaking of essays... nah, I think I would just bore you to death with what I had planned to say. x3
    ...Makes sense. (Neither do I, though there are things that don't make sense.)

    :| (Very much so.)

    c> (:D That's good.)

    >:D (:V)

    Nuuuuuuuuuu, not the blue screen of death! D8
    ...Wait a tick, I thought you said you were homeschooled- and yet you have school files on the computer?
    ...Actually, how does this home schooling thing work exactly other than the obvious? :?
    He aparently is half man, half moth and shorts out electrical appliances when nearby.

    :) (It's all good.)

    C: (Bahahah. It's a handy skill.)


    Well. Feel free to rant whenever you need to, I'm all ears... and skin.
    Et je suis de retour. C: (If you don't read French, it basically says "I have returned.")

    Now that you know how I've been, how are you? :3c
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