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  • Was your Scyther supposed to be male or did you choose that by mistake? I mean, the rest of your team is female and the name "Mia" sounds feminine...
    Ah, We don't get that show here. I don't think it's even on at all in this area.

    Yet another. Well done. [:)

    I'm glad. I love making people laugh, it gives a good feeling. (Does that mean I'm selfishly unselfish?)
    ...Your avatar... It confuses me slightly, what is it supposed to be?

    Short responses. Well played.

    I especially liked that dissolving Shedninja one. The effect was well done, most times someone does something like that it looks like it's being attacked by a flying eraser with scissors.
    It's just me, I'm a rather strange person socially.

    I quite like the name Indigo, I used to have a friend with that name.

    (Not a problem.)
    Okay. Might as well say Hi.

    Hello, so I heard you were an awesome person, I wanted to see if the people of the forums were right.

    (That and I wanted to say that I like your spriting style, it's refreshing.)
    ^^ A welcome is always a nice welcome, even if it's late! (To be fair, I haven't really been on much this week anyway xD)

    It's nice to meet you Mewtini! c: Thank you and Happy Easter too!
    PDT is PST but with daylight savings; it's essentially MST. To be more precise, it's GMT-7.

    What's your timezone?
    Wonder why there's been so many 500 errors lately? I think it might be because of the challenge thread, but the real source, well, only Butterfree knows.

    Anyways, the thread'll be up in a bit; the reffing of the first round will have to wait until morning (maybe 9 am, PDT?)
    Why, thank you :D. As you may have seen, I've already started reffing. It's a lot more work than I'd thought, with the round that I reffed taking almost two hours to complete - but maybe that's just me.

    I laughed at the last sentence of your mock reffing XD. Anyways, keep on trying, holding in mind what Negrek suggested, and never give up.

    On a side note, would you like me to ref your battle against Silver?
    A lot of things, really. But I think that going over this round by round would really help you out.

    Starting with round one...

    Squirt's commands for his Blitzle were

    Rain Dance~Thunderbolt/Thunder/Chill~Me First/Double Kick

    and yours were

    Chill~Double Team~Aerial Ace

    First thing you want to do, before making commands, is check the base speed of your Pokemon and compare it to your opponent's; Taillow's 85 beats Bltizle's 76. Keep that in mind.

    The most obvious flaw here was using Chill on the first action. Why would you need to recover energy on the first action?

    Although Thunder wouldn't have worked, I don't blame you for not getting that; however, since the arena boosted the power of Electric moves, goading it into a Chill would probably be beneficial.

    Would Me First work?

    The main thing you need to do when you're commanding second is to find a loophole in your opponent's plans, or if you can't, figure out how to minimize your losses that round. So, if you're looking at conditionals, try to figure out which moves would be the best for you, and use moves that would make the opponent use the moves.

    Too much for you?
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