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  • Ah, that blows. I just got my Easter basket in the morning and them commenced cleaning the house and doing schoolwork, so I feel your pain. And then my mom's making me go Easter egg hunting, which I don't want to do.
    You never got that Sewaddle D: Do you want it for $4? I want to buy a Mienfoo :3
    Haha, silly you. And it does seem like we're in the same timezone! Wonderful, now if we ever want to talk to each other we don't have to plan out a certain time. C:

    Goodnight, and sweet dreams~
    Yes yes yesss~ Google it and fall in love with Ace Attorney. >:O

    And make sure that Miles Edgeworth becomes your favorite character if you end up playing the Ace Attorney series. He's so perfect and cute and ahhh fangirl. :D
    ...I should let him know you're about to do that.

    D: Gasp. She's a legal assistant from the best game series on Earth. Which would be Ace Attorney, of course. It's a game about lawyers, but it's actually really, really fun and emotional, and it's rather educational, as you need to use your memory, deduction, and logic skills.
    I swear to God it's all Meowth's fault. But y'know, I'm not mad, since I looove Kay. :D

    ...If you know who Kay is, that is.
    Oh! Yes. Corel Painter Essentials 4 is very reliable for that. I've heard that Photoshop's beter, but whatever.

    I hope they allow you to!
    Very welcome~ (Indeed I do! Why do you ask?)

    Oh, I see. Maybe when you're a bit older?
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