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    That, in no way, grabs the reader's attention. The first sentence/first few sentences should always start off with something that will grab the reader's attention and will actually make them want to read more, rather than telling them that you hope they read the whole thing.

    So, how'd your friend do with that essay?
    Oh boy. I most certainly feel your pain. All the kids I know really just... ugh. And the thing that bothers me the most about them is that most of them don't know proper grammar! It really gets to me. And it's horrid, the way they speak in text talk and don't know the difference between things such as there, they're, and their... It's a walking nightmare, let me tell you.

    Like you, now, sort of! I was gone all day, doing some painting with friends! It was fun~

    The freedom of using your own computer is much better~

    I suppose. But still, I'd rather be faced with challenges that test my mental acuity.

    Anatomy, eh? That's a good subject to learn. It's important to know the structures of an organism. I rather like anatomy, too.
    I know right :DD

    ...by the way, I fail. How do you get to the ASB thingy to buy pokemon D:?? I'm lost due to accidentally closing the tab before I was finished in it o.o
    D: I wish I was smart enough to skip a few grades. I loathe sixth grade. The children, the teachers, the work... It's horrid. Eighth grade would be an ideal grade for me, as they teachers are much more strict and assertive, plus there's more challenging work, and the children may (or may not be. :/) a little bit more mature.

    Agreed. I actually enjoy being the outsider; I prefer serenity rather than a cacophony of... well, anything, to be honest. With peace, I'm able to concentrate much more, and it's a lot easier for me to read. So, what's your favorite subject in school? It's language arts for me; its always been my forte.
    I know :D!!!

    Ah XD Sweet memories of logging onto TCoD when I should've been finishing up an English essay come to mind XD
    Ooh. Did you skip a few grades? Normally when someone's ten, they're in fourth or fifth grade, so I'm a little curious. You don't have to answer, though.

    ...! Oh, yeah; I'm twelve. I'm glad you think I'm older; I actually dispise being twelve, and I wish that I could be a lot older with more responsibilities and intelligence. Besides, most of the kids my age are too immature for my liking, and I normally hang around people who are much older so I can talk to someone who's mature and intelligent. Of course, there are many people whom I know that are younger than me and very intelligent. You, for example. I Liek Squirtles, too.
    Yeppers, June 18th is graduation day from good ol' hell on earth :D I'll be home for good then! ^^

    True. I was always distracted by the internet, though, since my homeschooling courses were online. (Advanced Academics)
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