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  • Nice. I've always wanted to go there. Mostly New York.
    (not sure where exactly I'm going with this.)
    Anything exciting happening?
    Well, actually I beat his Machop with my Taillow. After his Makuhita killed that, I tried every other Pokemon in my party, until I was down to Ziggy. I just spammed Headbutt :p

    Don't you live on the East Coast or something?
    Well, as of now I've managed to beat him. Fainted my entire party, with the exception of Tom Nook my Zigzagoon. Yes, I beat a Gym Leader who specializes in Fighting Pokemon with a Zigzagoon. :|

    Actually, I've just been told it's Easter tomorrow. I suppose that makes sense. The weather here makes no sense though. It'll be infuriatingly hot for a week or so, then we get light showers and a bit of snowfall. In late April. (strangely though, it never rains in the summer)
    I imagine conversations in Whiscash Pond go something like this:
    Caterpie: I use String Shot!
    Metapod: I use Harden!
    C&M: Hahaha ^^
    Whiscash: ... children~
    C&M: :blank:

    Aww... Well, either way I'm aware of their weaknesses. I'm having immense difficulty beating Brawly in Sapphire.

    I don't know if you celebrate it or not, but I'm pretty sure today is Easter or something. So, uh, happy Easter! (it is snowing here. why is it snowing?)
    It's 'kay. Sometimes you have to wait, you know?

    Oh, okay.

    Yeah. To be honest, I haven't played SS in a while... I'm too busy obsessing over White xD
    Heh. I remember playing PMD at 3 AM or so, and then just talking to it randomly. Then it said something like, "Seeing children play is what I do most now."

    I reread that line twice just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating or something :p

    Oh, uh. Rate my team(s) maybe?
    Heh, sorry about logging off so quickly in #tcod. I had to go get some takeout with my dad.
    Ah, that's nice. Wish I could remember some quotes from that Whiscash in PMD. The slightly creepy one who apparently spends its entire day watching Caterpie and Metapod.
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