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  • Oh hey I haven't talked to anyone much for ages
    (that includes you i guess)
    so hi?

    Actually, really really adorable things sometimes have a tendency of making things happen to my eyes. Just a little bit though :B
    Yep, Miss Jirachooo's gna go beddzy now x3 like my avatar, btw? :3 N has epic eyes...heeheehee XD;
    Yeah, aspergers is a type of autism. xD;

    I'm getting really sleepy now....O_o;;

    Yep adhd and sugar sencitivity seem to go hand in hand for me XD always had it too..ahaha....even though i still somehow was able to eat a lot of sugar as a teenager. Dunno how i woulda coped without it anyways P=
    I'm actually starting to like dark coffee more now, maybe cuz i'm losing a taste for 'sweet' more now? yet coffee in genneral has a bit of a sweet scent, in a way. its funny!
    Yep, chocolate makes me act mentally ill/feel edgey. Not a cool thing at all :/

    I always loved the smell off coffee too <3 its kinda nutty and oddly sweet smelling for a drink thats notably 'bitter'. Its neat.

    I'm diagnosed with aspergers, actually (and let me tell you; my personality shows i have it...a lot......:/).

    But I think I always had adhd as part of it. I think my brain wiring made me very sencitive to sugar (i can like, only have it in yogurt if AT ALL), too, which may have a lot to do with my adhd tendancies. I rarely ever have sugar now though.

    Yes, my diet probably sounds like hell to you. XD I also don't eat meat. Though thats cuz i wouldn't wanna eat an animal, it seems too violent to me.
    I'm 22 so yeah. But I liked chocolate covered coffee beans around age 14-15 and it apperently made me digest chocolate better...o-o; though i'm still allergiac to it now, maybe it woulda been more likely to make me really sick if i didn't have coffee beans with it o_O;

    I guess my body is a bit weird. XD Then again, i always kinda had adhd. Espesally as a teenager going through puberty. Yeah.
    Coffee mellow's me down rather than hyps me up. I actually think i'd be plegued with unbarable nightmares without it. It almost is like a pain killer for me.

    3:18am here. Yep.

    Its fine, no worries. Though thnx, its best not to upset me. Those who have tend to never hear from me again anyways (and i may pretend they dont exsist. you do not wish to be one of these people...).
    Its fine. No need to worry :)

    I might have some coffee soon. Yeah, at bed time. But it helps calm me though.
    And putting the worst smells in my nose X_X; which is basicly a bad synthinesta i can get over that word sometimes....
    Can you not say the h*te word? It makes me really ill to see it...thnx.....(one of the reasons i'm on 3 medications now)

    The whole ralts line is awesome and i think i gotta delete your post....its causing me axiety x-x;
    I shoulda been active here in early 2011 XD; too bad thats around when i first started taking medications for my emotional issues...lol......(i used to be kind of crazy before 2011 :< some yoga and trying to smile basicly all the time helped me a lot, though :3 and also medication too really. even if i never wanted to fall into that like others did...)
    Yeah, tcod grew to be such a nice place over the years. :3

    I like Jirachi and mew and pikachu and umbreon a lot. x3 And various others. Mostly cute ones, really. Since i like to be cute myself i'm wearing a very long dress atm too^^ its got flowers on it yay yay^^

    I wish I could go lolita but it'd be a bad idea cuz our house is too moldy, the dresses would be ruined....still, i admire that fashion. A lot.

    All the ponies are sooooo awesome. Even though the fandom can feel kinda dramatic to me lol (but maybe its all in how i look at it XD its a nice fandom^^ defenetly^^).
    LOL sorry, its an old name from when i was 13. XD

    Yeah, its grown to be a really nice place. ^^

    I like Jirachi and Mew and Pikachu and Umbreon a lot :3 and various others :3 mainly cute ones. I like being cute^^
    Your a brony, neat. :3 *read your user title XD*

    Pinkie Pie and Rarity are pretty awesome. I loved the ep Fluttershy reformed discord in, too^^ Is she your fav? :3
    Being nice is very importent to me.

    I need to add you to my friends now. Whats your most favorite pokemon ever? :)

    I think i like mew a lot at the moment. usually its jirachi, i think.


    makes sense with my name i know lol XD
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