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  • The link to art on your creative index leads to, "Art.html," while your current page is, "Art.php".

    Also: I don't feel like pestering Butterfree, so can you help me make sense of this?
    Now I'm off to write a most exciting essay on... err, something. Haven't decided the exct topic yet, but anyway. :U

    aaaaaaa now there were even MORE AA5 news and Apollo is apparently playable in at least one case? adsghahfhagdhga *noises*
    ugh the English version will probably come like some time next year and I have to wait forever D:

    Though I guess that X/Y will probably keep me occupied until then :O
    ... wow, I actually managed to get that thing done, I guess. O:

    Never played any Fire Emblem games, but good for you! Maybe I should try them out at some point too, just in case (though I guess I should wait until I don't have a million school things to do) :P
    Uh, kind of homeschooled, but we'll be using the computer as a resource. But my mom is still the teacher.

    And I think I fixed the image issue! Thank you.

    And no, I did not call your site terrible! I said if it is, there are no words to describe mine. Thanks for the guide.
    I... almost got a thing done. There are still ~1247148 things that I should do. Yay.

    (welp I am indeed a massive lurker but holy shit I'm also super talkative especially when the subject is a thing I happen to like; I sure don't mind people talking to me O:)

    also sdsdhf AA5 news! A new prosecutor dude was revealed and wow he's kinda ridiculous but he has a BIRD and a MULLET??? (and apparently he's in prison for murder and might be a witness or something instead of the main prosecutor IDK who cares I'm excited)
    That's fine.

    Just wondering, because I'm being homeschooled next year.

    Also, what do you mean by "the same folder"? There's a specific folder for images (see here), so why would you put it in the same folder? I mean, I uploaded the image and pushed, "View," and just copied the image URL and used that instead of the file name at that point, but now it's not working.

    Do you mean I should put a page and all of its associated pictures in a folder together?

    Also: If your site is terrible, I don't know what mine is.
    Laziness and busy-ness seems to equal procrastination at least in my case :B aughghgh
    maybe I'll get something done today

    (because I'm so scary??? yeah right I just don't make much noise I guess)
    Do you enjoy being homeschooled?

    ETA: Thought I would point this out. Your HTML/CSS "dropdown menu" doesn't work on my browser-- it just puts a lighter colored box behind the titles of the other pages when you hover over it.

    ETA again: I'm not using x10 anymore, but my host still uses cPanel. Once I have my pictures uploaded, how do I make them appear? They still appear as broken links on my site.
    Yeah, Butterfree's was a tad confusing and fast-paced for me. Hearing it from someone closer to my age will probably help.

    And of course I follow your site! I consider you my friend, so why wouldn't I?
    What chapter are you on right now? I'm almost finished. I'm just glad at least one of my favorite characters made it out alive.
    Don't worry, he's a chill dude :P

    Yeah Fukawa and Kirigiri are pretty entertaining too :D

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