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  • also the 404 page on psychic blaze works now! (neither/nor hasn't been fixed yet I'm a grammer nancy)

    AA is addictive, you probably shouldn't play it if you're already unproductive :V
    Actually, I haven't gotten the chance because I'm grounded. :/ Ill tell you how it works out when I try it, though!
    what if I shoot a portal on my wall and the other on your wall and point my finger through that???

    Yeah. It's kinda funny how the dust gets in your eye only when you're playing/watching/listening to certain things. mystery
    What if I point my finger so hard it leaves a dent on the screen? Does THAT count? :U

    who said anything about crying??? totally just dealing with regular eye irritation here, yep right, no waterworks or anything
    Does just pointing my finger at the computer screen count?

    maybe someone should OUTLAW those pesky dust particles >:U
    yeah okay you got me I PROCRASTINATE

    That damn crap, always getting into people's eyes and irritating their tear ducts dammit >:O
    I would never do such thing! Never! Well okay maybe sometimes but not this time *determination*

    Yeah I guess O:

    also I just finished Portal 2 and.... wow sddshgfsdhfsdfs it was pretty amazing okay
    I think I got something in my eye there for a moment........

    weeeelll, not really, but it isn't due that soon so I'm not in a huge hurry :B

    sure, sure :Y
    ghghn I want to play more but I guess I should write some essays first D: meugh

    That -ish is kind of suspicious though :B
    Woops I played through the first one yesterday evening O: It was pretty good puzzly portal fun yes, gonna start the second one today probably.

    Having too much fun building stuff? I haven't tried Minecraft out myself yet (maybe it's for the best :B)
    It's okay! I'm okay. I've never played Ace Attorney, ever, so yeah I'm getting one and yeah

    I'm probably gonna get Portal and Portal 2 now that they're on sale since I've always wanted to play them but never got around to getting them O:
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