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  • *thinking to self* Dear Giratina, please let there not be any rufies hidden in those cookies...
    Mmm, good cookie. Gosh, I absolutely love lemon ze- FBHSHBFUISBFUISBVFNJSKBUFNWUOFHJHN *falls over twitching, then lays still*
    Hmmm... may I take a sour mouth paralyzing sugar cookie with lemon zest on top? :D

    Also, you still depressed with life?
    True. I'll probably change it to the regular lucario sprite. Hmm. Until you open requests again. Than I'll use a glass lucario, because those look cool.
    Sounds like a plan. Meanwhile, the third sprite I think I'm going to use for my avatar:
    I know, not very different. I'm also working on a shiny cinccino-arbok-rayquaza one. But that's going to take a while. Well. It's not. It's going to take a few seconds at most. But you get the idea.
    I can't decide which one to use. The Gallade one, or the Shiny gallade one. These, respectively:
    Go to the thread in forum games. Look through the posts for examples, then make an application.
    It's two teams that complete in challenges, but the host (ILS) writes it. The losing team must vote someone out of the game.
    [many pictures without words later]

    Make betterr :(
    I see. Cool. I think. I'll make sure not to ask that again, than. I'm going to go recolor a lucario and make it my avatar.
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