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  • I say rawr


    Noo. I never did it. I don't even have an account on the site yet.
    Ah. I never could get into the whole MLP business, mostly because I was (and still am, I guess) completely unknown when it began, so I didn't want to muscle in. And now all the ponies have been taken, my creys...
    Uff, my avatars. I change them a lot, as you may have noticed. They're basically just images I find funny/good. The 'real people' ones are generally actors - my previous was Chris Colfer and my current is Darren Criss, both of whom are actors in Glee.

    How about you? I quite like your current avatar, where's it from?
    Yeah, the installation thing for the USB adapter I have is meant for XP and Vista, so when I first ran it it popped up and told me it doesn't work with my operating system. But then proceeded to work regardless when I ran it a second time.
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's just the particular Internet connection I have or whatever that makes it act weird, because whenever I start up my laptop Firefox gets redirected to some sort of log-in page or whatever which I'm told is the kind of thing that messes with the WiFi adapter.
    I must have missed it, then! :D

    I have a WiFi connector, but because of the crazy way the university's Internet is set up I have to reinstall the USB thing and restart my laptop any time I want to use it which is irritating.
    Yeah, the Dream World works, but I don't think there's a way to claim your Eeveelution with it yet. I'm pretty sure I checked everything there was there, anyway :p

    And I don't have one that I know of, since I don't believe I've gotten a Pal Pad or wherever you get it from in BW. I don't use WiFi very much anyway because it's a pain to set up with my Internet.
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