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  • Hello~

    Oh my :o It's an extremely deep song, even though it scared my best friend xD


    It's quite amazing :3
    i respond kinda fast usually, lol.

    ... this is true. x3 i've tried css several times to no avail.
    well what niche do you want your site to hold that no other site does? :o there's an idea!

    OH BOO as a musician I don't stand for this kind of talk :C find a violin book and practice stuff yourself. YOU DON'T NEED LESSONS YOU JUST NEED MUSIC. 8D
    Thanks for the welcome. :)

    I already know how to operate Vbulletin forums, Ive been on them for years now.


    it's fruity and tastey and reminds me of pink lemonade :D whaaaaaaat what is wrong with your mom whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.t. :D YAY BIRTHDAY :DD
    My avatar? That's a fanart of N (from Pokémon Black/White). Found a comic on deviantart, and thought that crazy and fun expression would be perfect for my avatar.

    No. That is my final answer.

    I can'ttttttttttt. I don't live in the best neighborhood and i gave in to the fruity temptations of the ring pop xDDD OH YEAH MY BIRTHDAY'S SO CLOSEEEEEE

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Eck.

    Watermelon and strawberry are delicious :D I really want to eat my ring pop but i already had one and it'll just add to the chaos of what has already ensued and i have too much energy and need to go spend it on something but i don't even know what and like I NEED TO SPEND ENERGYYYYYYY


    What how do you not ever do that i can't even understand your ways you are the most out. Of. Control. Child. I have ever met do you need some help i can offer you a ring pop or a baby bottle pop seeing as i already had two of them. One of them was watermelon and the other was strawberry they were pretty good :) i really like them as regular fruits too cuz fruits are so much better then anythiiiiiiiiiiing in the world. Yes.

    ...not really, no. Nooooo.

    I have had too much candy today and I may run off on my point often! Ask Markku, I messaged him yesterday and I got off topic by talking about pictures xD
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