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  • Aww...=( I'm sure it'll turn up in a few days.

    Well then, I guess you have it a bit better than some other people, huh?
    Ahh, dang. 'You sure you can't force her to find it for you?

    I've never understood why people's siblings just can't resist messing around with their other siblings' stuff. Sorry if this sounds rude, but I'm admittedly somewhat glad I don't have to deal with it myself.
    ...Sorry you're mad. I guess it's a sibling thing, huh?

    Well, I just got back five minutes ago, so...
    Did you press the 'play' button?

    Yeah, I don't see anything photoshop has that GIMP doesn't that I need. Wait, it won't animate for you? Perhaps you're just not giving it enough time to load?
    Okay, say the Shedinja has ten frames. Animate it like this.

    Frame 1 (1000ms)
    Frame 2 (250ms)
    Frame 3 (250ms)
    Frame 4 (250ms)
    Frame 5 (250ms)
    Frame 6 (250ms)
    Frame 7 (250ms)
    Frame 8 (250ms)
    Frame 9 (250ms)
    Frame 10 (1000ms)
    Frame 9 (250ms)
    Frame 8 (250ms)
    Frame 3 (250ms)
    Frame 2 (250ms)

    And now you have the Shedinja being nonexistent, then forming, then staying fully formed for a second, then deforming, then being nonexistent again.
    Ah, I know what you mean. It really is confusing sometimes. HEre, have a badly-animated .GIF!

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