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  • Well yeah, but I mean where does the product appear? The product of the codes, that is.
    Yeah, they're indentions. And I don't feel it's as good as it could be. I mean, the player will view what happens... Maybe they don't need to read about that? I don't know, but I need to test out notepad really quickly.
    In the beginning (New Game option), Professor Rowan asks you if you need assistance. There are three options on the touch screen: Adventure Info, Controls Info, and that lovely No Info Needed option which permits you to begin your journey once you know the controls. The Adventure Info is simply a lecture by Professor Rowan.
    Once the game is begun, the screen will gradually fade into your room. Once this point is reached, just step down the stairs to notice your mother on the couch, and she soon greets you. She bestows upon you a Trainer Card, a Bag, and Running Shoes while instructing you to use B along with the D-Pad whenever wanting to run.
    Head outside to coincidentally see your soon-to-be rival and head north into Route 201 after speaking with him to glimpse Professor Rowan and his assistant running toward you and halting your steps. After irritably interrogating you, Barry apologizes and believes that you should receive a Pokemon. The Professor seems to forgive you both and gives you each a Pokemon. Your rival will, of course, choose the Pokemon with the super-effective type of your own.
    Rowan therefore leaves while saying to visit his laboratory in the town east of your current location: Sandgem Town. Because of the excitement, your rival will then challenge you to your first battle.
    Doesn't everyone. For some reason, I see her as 'God' or something and think, 'I do NOT want to accidentally piss God off.

    During TVTropes Mafia, I pissed her off pretty dang badly, on accident.
    Oh, would you mnd if I rewrote this, editing some things in between? Also, eliminated these following words fromy our vocabulary: very, pretty (when describing quantity), also, first, second, third (You get it), etc. But yeah, would you mind if I edited?
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