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  • Yeah, Butterfree looks like a stereotypical nerd. ;) Not that that's a bad thing!

    Ah. But still, I'll respect Silver's privacy.
    Wha? You mean like a photograph of the person looking like an idiot while having fun?
    Maybe the "Portal" connecting two worlds ruptured because of a certain important person(s)'s actions of a deadly sin such as pride or greed, and s/he along with a couple others (whether good or evil) follow him through the ruptured portal to gain life and colour back to the original world. I don't know... cheesy idea xD
    All of my ideas. And yes, British spelling, as it makes it seem more sophisticated. I have no thought on what to make of the title and its plot though!
    ? I assume you are talking about Colour? Like stated before, I have no idea... All ideas are amazingly cheesy when they come to my head.
    I'm thinking of a RolePlay called Colour... Have no idea what to make of it though ._.
    That's why it's called a meme... Not to be rude or anything. I assume ASB is Anime-Styled Battling (I hope, or I'm embarassing myself typing this)? Nah, I prefer RolePlaying :P
    I have noticed. Also, I believe my welcome wasn't too extravagant, as I think saying "Welcome to the Cave! Hope you have a great time!" is blunt and lifeless. I like to throw some personality in there. Anyways, how you doin'?
    Lol yes the comment was you but I see someone else did now. I guess my post in the Japan thread was spam, but whatever as long as I'm not banned it's ok with me.
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