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  • Hi!

    I need plot help. For my NaNo story...I need a main villan, and I really can't think of one. Can you help me?
    Next up on Bulbasaur makes up Random Numbers, do more people start strings of laughter with h or a?
    I see. Let me conduct an in-depth analysis of this.

    Pst, I added you on my White :3 Although you're probably not aware of my existence
    Always takes her a while to get through them. So you'll be waiting a bit.

    The calculator always gives correct results! If you use it in the right way, that is. I've tested its calculations several times by comparing them alongside my own and it's been right at all times. You just need to refresh after calculating something and it should be good. It also got things I got wrong ht checking. Gives me better results than me.
    ...Good point. Except that my reffings are the purest form of murder :p They murder the reader, the writer, and the English language.

    PM Negrek
    They are D: If you don't think my reffings are the worst thing on Earth then there is something wrong

    ((Pst, I'm up for Best New ASB'er! :D)) *shot for attempt at subtleness*
    Nah, you'll pass. Unless you make some glaring mistake. I mean, I passed, prose-wise. That's a pretty low standard, as I wince reading my own reffings.
    Well, to make it sound fast: First, use less sentences. Each full stop usually implies that the previous idea or action had come to a close, so instead of "Growlithe thought about his attacks. Growlithe punched a hole. Growlithe sat back and smirked at Riolu", you could have "Growlithe thought about his orders, and decided that he would punch a hole using Rock Smash. He did so, creating a rift between himself and that bothersome biped, then leaned back and stuck out his tongue at Riolu." Even though the first is easier to read, the second is much faster. Well, for me, anyway.

    Secondly, use less adjectives. When the Pokémon are just standing there, go on and fill it with description, but when they're in the midst of a fast-paced battle, you may want to trim down on the description a bit. I have the problem of needing more description, though :P

    Finally, read your reffing. If it seems that a particular area is taking too long to read compared to the time of its actual execution, use less dense words. Cut down on the description. Splice sentences. Use easier words.
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