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  • Yes. I can just clone you that Mewtwo and give you it. Should I change the nickname from whatever it currently is? It'd have to be either in Japanese or less than five letters ('サスケ' would be fine; 'Melon' would be fine; 'Aerodactyl' would not be fine); don't worry if you don't know kana because I do and if you are like "I WANT IT TO BE MYUU-KUN" I can figure that one out. Or if you don't want it to have a nickname! Just. it currently is nicknamed.

    Though I would sort of like to know the natures of legendary pokémon you have that you have not used in battle! So if they're any good, I can clone them. That'd mostly be anything that lowers Attack or Special Attack, Hasty, Sassy, and in the case of Kyogre and Groudon, also anything that lowers Speed. \o/
    Aaaand I just edited my thread with a post saying IN SUMMARY since really that post is long and probably makes sense only to me.
    Also, even if you don't have anything I particularly want, cloning things takes me less than five minutes. I'm not exactly that bothered by the idea of giving stuff away.
    I'm not really looking for anything in particular other than people's EV-trained pokémon and clean legendaries. I'm sort of bored and in the mood to clone pokémon and make .pkm files of people's pokémon, which basically just means that I then have an entirely legitimate copy of someone's pokémon that I can stick here (assuming the person lending me it doesn't mind) and then anyone can use Pokesav to just sort of stick that pokémon in their box, assuming they've got an action replay or play games on ROMs like I do.

    Basically, it is a long post saying "do you want me to clone something for you", "here are some of the things I can clone easily", and "even if you're not interested in cloning something, this is what I like cloning". Oh, and "do you want Italian or Japanese pokédex entries? 'cause I have a lot of pokémon in Italian and/or Japanese ..."
    I was wondering if Tanya can find the passed-out Fanagg in the newest roleplay they're in, if you didn't have any other plan for your first post.
    Ah, I see... well, everyone's waiting for ya! You should probably also tell Stormecho that you're back, so that she knows she'll be able to finally post soon as well
    Yay! The name was originally for a female character anyways, so. x3 *recycles RP names like crazy*
    great. i'll see if i can get it set up.

    my team's in my signature if you'd like to see it. :3
    hey, if i get my wi-fi set back to a wep key, would you like to battle? your team looks fun.
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