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  • Why did you, Arylett and Oooohface neglect to tell me about the Arylettopia RP that was going on?
    It's actually the title of a song which I like
    Not exactly a cheerful one though - it's about a girl who commits a school shooting.
    The quote in my sig comes from the same song
    I'm asking myself. Arylett, were you on crack?

    Eh Arylett? No... I don't think so.

    Sleep deprived?

    Most likely.

    Oh and I just had another idea. Umm... what was it... oh right! My father used to be an aristocrat in that old country. (That old country I came from was... Ladragia actually. Yeah.) And we were a wealthy bloodline. The Dawnsborough Dynasty, they called us. I was to be married off to a boy... and that boy was the one who fell in love with me. The Knight. You see, me and that knight, we've known each other for a long time. We got older and soon he was very much in love with me. I left off and created Arylettopia. He came during the Migration. He was impressive, especially to General Mourmedy. And we both decided to make him a knight.

    ...Whoamygod, I did it again. Moon story coming shortly~
    The Story of Arylettopia:

    Well I was just a girl, you see. Dirt poor. And I lived in the streets. I was so hungry that I ate dirt. And people would kick and throw things at me, because I was just so disgusting, a filthy beggar. Hmph! I was poor because the government took all of my money... they stole it all. I once amassed a fortune and they kicked me out of my mansion and sent me out onto the streets, to pay for that silly war they were having. But then... then I saw it... I had a vision. And there was a woman... a woman surrounded by bright white light. She said: "Go... go west young Arylett and there you shall meet your fortune anew. There you shall be rich... you shall be successful once more. To the unclaimed Rainbow Territory. And bring the fellow beggars there. There you shall live, live in peace and happiness." And I was shocked, because the country I was living in at the time was at war as I had mentioned before, at war with a rival country for that territory. For a while... I was too afraid... too afraid to follow the woman's advice.

    Then one day, everything changed.

    There was a man, a most horrid and violent man. And he knocked me down to the ground, kicking sand in my eyes and said: "You filthy beggar! I'm so TIRED of seeing you around here, always eating your stupid dirt. PATHETIC! Go make something of yourself, WENCH."

    And then I had a relevation, a most angry and violent relevation. As I gripped my stomach, I glared the man straight in the face, pure anger within my features. And I took my fist, balled it up, and WHAM! Right in the kisser. And I said to him, I said: "You know WHAT? You're RIGHT! I'm going to be something someday, you'll see! I'm going to settle the unclaimed Rainbow Territory!"

    So I set off, off to the Rainbow Territory. But first I had to pass the Shatshack, an evil hellish place of darkness to reach it, east of the territory. There my fellow beggars and I faced sights that you will never believe... we toughed out all sorts of conditions and fought all sorts of manners of beasts. Monsters! Several of them died... ;;Sighs;; And there were only four survivors... out of the sixteen of us who had set off. But I survived, because I had one thought, one dream within my soul. And it burned brightly! The dawn of a new, a fair nation! Where nobody would have to suffer if we could avoid it!

    Then after several hellish months of struggling, we saw it... those fields, those fields of beauty! The Rainbow Territory. And I settled the land, I and the other three original settlers, Atnura, Mourmedy, and Charcill. The first few years were terrible. Several of the beats from the Shatshack would come and attack us. And for a while I had all but lost hope.

    But we perservered! And eventually we built houses, just the four of us... and we built... and built... our first houses were terrible, but slowly and steadily we learned, until we had created ourselves fine mansions. And we learned to hunt and to fish. (Eating dirt was getting old, you see) Soon we thrived! And we were living quite beautifully. After we became successfully, we made a choice, we decided to open our little settlement to all those who wanted to come. And we sent a message, a message to our old country, that in Arylettopia one could be free and happy and peaceful!

    And the people listened and responded, several being quite exhausted with the stupid war. That was when the Great Migration of Arylettopia began. Several people did indeed come, many in fact! It was a large flood, a flood of defiance! Even from the rival country of the old country, they came! And they did it all to stop the war, to protest. For indeed, many of them had had their wealth removed like I had.

    The kings of both countries were baffled. And that was when the most marvelous event in Arylettopian history took place. I went to the middle of the Rainbow Territory, the very heart and center, and proclaimed outloud to the immigrated peoples: "I claim this land, in the name of the people! This new land... this shall be the dawn... the dawn of a new country! And we shall all live in peace, and we shall all live in happiness! I claim this land as Arylettopia!"

    And at that moment, we all became Arylettopians. Everyone just cheered, it was... it was one of the happiest days of my life. The people were hearted, hearted with resolve! And they lifted me into the air, exclaiming: "Long live the Great and Benevolent Queen! Queen Arylett of the new nation of Arylettopia!"

    From that point on, I was Queen! Oh deary me, I was just so embarassed. I tried to tell them, I'm not a Queen or a leader! But they wouldn't hear a word of it. And the kings of the other two countries on our borders were outraged. So began the Great Arylettopian War of '87. It was a long and drudging affair, both countries proclaimed war on the budding Arylettopia. I, of course, know nothing about war tactics, so I really can't take the credit for us still being a country. 'Twas the great General Mourmedy who lead us into battle, she had already had war experience before joining us settlers. And she was just... incredible. Cool, calm, graceful. With her brilliant tactics, our inexperienced troops managed to trump both old countries and General Mourmedy lead us into victory. Though I think we mostly won because we in both of the countries the people were tired of war and did not fight with as much heart as we did. And that is how I became the Queen of Arylettopia. And how Arylettopia was created.

    Moon Story shall come next~
    Aaah, you see what I mean.

    We just had another good talk, me and her. Really good. She said she'd like to meet me someday. And I said that I would love to meet her. I hope... someday... we get the money to fly over there. Then she told me she hoped we could be friends for a very long time, right into adulthood. And I said that I would love nothing more. And then we were just being all sappy and oversentimental and oh, it was nice~
    My mom, fortunately, is not cynical. She's quite a romantic type, like me. Did you see how she instantly proposed to go to England? She's like me, I would do that too. We're both dreamers~ My friend, however, the school one, is very cynical and down to reality and blunt.

    Maybe I should voice chat with my EF and invite my friend over and she can see that it's REAL. Wow... it would be so weird if they met.

    And yes, I hate it too. I hate cynical people, down to reality types, they want to ruin your fun. Internet is a viable source of communication and you can make plenty of good friends on it, even though some people are stupid and there is chat speak and loads of meme and all that garbage, there are still reasonable and smart people who you can make really good friends with. And goddammit, I don't care, the internet is what makes me happy. I have lots of friends on it.
    Aaaah, I see~

    Yeah, I really like my friends. But my school friend can be really cynical. She's the one I don't want to tell about my English friend, because she probably doesn't believe much in internet communication. Or rather, take it seriously. She doesn't think you can make good friends like that on the internet.
    There's my English friend and her friend who introduced me to her and there's my one friend from school. I consider them my Three Best Friends. And there are other friends along the way, but they're casual, most of them.
    I understand.

    I always lose my friends. Always. I've always lost contact with them. But lately, I've been really lucky. I've met two old friends I haven't seen in years, wow! And I made a lot of new friends, like the one I won't stop rambling on about. That's why it means a lot to me, she too does not want to lose contact with me, she wants to keep this friendship alive, just as much as I do! And pen pals... it just means a lot to me, that's all.

    I didn't get my First Real Friend until 9th grade.
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