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  • Very nice!

    I don't know how I ever lived without them.

    ...There was a time, well most of my life actually... where I didn't have any Real Friends. My friends were all just Casual. I thought I was fine and I felt that life was "okay".

    But I never knew how sad I really was.
    I'd rather spare you.

    She is megawesomenocity, that's what I'll say. One of the best people I've ever had the fortune to meet.
    Ahahahaha, well, I guess this is my equivalent of that?

    I could literally ramble on about how awesomenocity she is for hours.

    But I'll spare you.
    ;;Still has slight headache;;

    I'm sorry, I keep rambling on about it.

    It's just too much awesomenocity for me to handle, that's all.
    ;;Rubs Aryletthead, has an Arylettheadache;;

    Owww... my head hurts of all this awesomenocity and dying from it.
    We need to do something! Maybe that'll work!

    ...or I could go back to just Arylett-proofing my bakery and sealing myself off from the rest of the world. I have enough bagels to last a year or so. You can come too if you want, although then it might just be half a year on the bagels.
    I marched right over to her and I told her to stop it. I even used a :| face to show I meant business. But she didn't even flinch!
    An interesting question! I'm not exactly a time expert, so I wouldn't know. I only know how to have purple hair and do the time warp. :[

    Meh, okay, I guess I'll try and stop her. brb.
    My mother put the noodles away and now they are cold. And a cold noodle is no noodle at all.

    I suppose your Arylett can take over the world. I'll just Arylett-proof my bagel bakery. Ha!
    Taking over the Earth? Via Skype? What a fiendish plot! I'd jump into action and try to stop her or something, but my mom made beef with egg noodles and that's just too good to pass up. Maybe later. :p
    You can if you want to. :p

    I am doing fine as well. I'm in one of my rare "let's clean my room!" moods, which is probably a good thing because my room is filthy.

    I have an offline friend who changed me from a shy quiet weirdo to a loud obnoxious one. :o It's a good thing to have, I suppose. Although she claims she's created a monster.
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