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  • Hello, ChaosTres! I am Spaekle, a crazybuddy as of the Obsessive Scribblers club, and I write in... default. D: How are you?
    "Hmph! I have no time for your silly nonsense." She waved her marvelously long nailed hand, swiping the air with brilliant unpainted talons. The Queen turned her back on him and walked away, the back of her dress trailing after her.
    "Yeah... uh sure..." HRA stopped looking at him, becoming bored of his Insane Nonsense. Earth! Ahahaha! As if that place REALLY existed. Hmph. Liar.
    "Wyatt-WHO?" Okay, now she was just plain confused. Nothing he was saying made sense any more. It was like... inane babble.
    "...Earth?" She looked completely nonpulsed, going into a state of Arylettconfusion now. What... what was this? Was he making up crazy lies now?
    HRA's dark eyes looking sharply into his, her gaze furious. Suddenly they didn't seem so lusterious after all. She took both hands and placed them upon her oversized hips, her expression pouty and livid. "...Angel?"
    She continued to flutter her long and lusterous eye lashes, waving back that precious stream of luxarious curls which ran down to her back, like a succulant and perfectly dark ocean of chocolate. "Hmmm...? What was awesomenocity?" She obsereved him, her spectacles glittering flawlessly.
    The beautiful Arylett rolled her chocolate brown eyes in a way that would make even the gayest of men fall instantly in love with her and replied, in a voice that would make Sleeping Beauty envious: "I see, my dear~"
    Oh wow. ;;Raspy voice;;

    I made her a REALLY long voice clip, about 50 minutes long. And she made me an 80 minute long one before that. We're such losers~
    I could try... only, Umrebon isn't very pumpkin-shaped... maybe I could, I dunno, make it look like a vampire or something?
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