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  • Nope! Notta one. It just... didn't miss consistantly.

    Altaria is beautiful AND fluffy. :3

    Ooho, yes! I love doggies so much that just about everyone associates me with them. I say, what animal do you think I'd be? And they always say dogs.

    ...I have no idea! Don't ask me, I'm bad at math! Consult a calculator?

    I know! They're so awesome. The design... oh. I wish they were a bit more powerful so they could be viably used.

    (Oh, it's fine! I understand~)

    Okie-dokie~ Good night! (And tell your mom I said get better soon D:)

    AH I'm sorry ;~; I don't always say it... sorry XoX

    Yay fruit! Or are coconuts a vegetable? A nut? A grain? A meat?... I dunno 0o (It's okay, I unnerstand =3)
    I got SO lucky that it didn't miss at all.

    Yeah and ones that aren't... ridiculously overpowered. We could do with a few more subpar/normal stated Dragon-types. More Altarias.

    I have many, but I guess my number one is Growlithe. Ah, I've always loved it. I love doggies~

    I saw that guide! Had no idea either has I haven't played it. But I am absolute murder with numbers, so bad that I can't even do 4 x 3 in my head without a calculator.

    I'd dislike it too. But I tend to dislike more obscure ones, ahaha. Like Poochyena. Growlithe's a bit obscure too.

    <3 I've got a lo-ve-ly bunch of coconuts~ (No, this has nothing to do with anything on any level whatsoever. I'm just half asleep.)

    I'll pm it to you because I'm overly cautios about letting random people see my address :U
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