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  • It was insanely hard for me to pull off a win... I'm not even sure how I did it. It was just. LOTS of luck and Blizzardspam.

    Ah, I would, but some are really rare and hard to fine. I guess there isn't that big a selection to pick from either. I don't like using Legendaries and many Legendaries are Dragon-types. I have used Dragonite a few times though and Flygon, I must say, they're pretty neat. Agreed about designs of Dragon-types and Dark-types.

    What's number one?

    And now after hearing about it, I don't think I ever will! Is it a numbers game? I'm really bad with numbers, I probably wouldn't like it if it is.

    Aah, you're welcome. Ooh, that's a good idea to use that to get the TMs you want. I wish I could do that. I mean, it really is silly they're one use.

    Well, I guess it's different because the Pokemon anime is REALLY well-known. With most people, it's their first experience in Pokemon, including me. So I can see how Pikachu would just become big, or quite frankly, any starter of Ash's. But that makes sense, yeah, I wouldn't want him to get my favourite Pokemon and have it all hyped.

    Hoorah! Glad you love school so much :O I've always been neutral towards it myself~
    ello!! =3
    tis be meh reaction to meh friend farting in class:
    < X >
    ... or someing like tht. X3


    With the magical power of Google, I found out that the Yahoo messenger can apparently connect with MSN (oh yeah it's "Windows Live" now but anyway) so I could add you if you give me your yahoo-messenger-thing-address. It should probably work, methinks.
    Now that I think of it, some of my msn buddies log in from some other programs too :U
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