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  • Dunno they probably think 'criticism' should be "Well, I believe this is very awesome and you're talented blah blah" >:C

    Yeah @_@
    Believe me, Sheezy is infested with trolls and a shitload of roleplay accounts ಠ_ಠ
    I've had enough of it already :V

    Yeah. Nothing works. :C


    It seems the problems are the same for everyone (though some trollbaits get a lot of trollin', especially on sheezy [they sometimes deserve it tho]) D:

    Exactly D:<
    nothing seems to help with that, really. :C
    i'm going to get one, paint it blue, teach it to stand on its hind legs, and name it metooth! :D

    :O Good luck! What sort of classes are you taking/looking forward to? (If you're at a grade level where you can pick classes.) I'm sure you'll do fiiine. Good luck!
    Yeah, the slightly rude kind-of-but-still-crit I've sometimes gotten is something along the lines "you messed up this and that" but they've elaborated on it after I've asked P:

    And the ones who think they KNOW SO MUCH BETTER that they "don't need you help". D:< Especially when they have horrible flaws in their anatomy etc.

    I've given up on internet art sites because most of the comments I get are either
    a) omg dats good
    b) something completely unrelated
    c) a shitty joke
    d) some obscure reference to something I've never heard of
    e) maybe sometimes rarely, constructive crit

    no, not really. xD

    sixth grade was mainly hormones on the rampage.

    i should be going into eighth but my birthday was too close to the start of school so i had to repeat kindergarten X:
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