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  • Yeah. :U I never turn down criticism, no matter how rudely it's constructed - the rude ones are usually the most honest, really. I admit that harsh crit sometimes stings - just a little bit - but it's still good C:

    Exactly. I'm so ful of people who think they and their art are ~perfect~ in every way. I know I still have ways to go if I ever want to call myself a better-than-average artist, and I let people crit my stuff as much as they like. P:
    Clair was mostly all right... although her Kingdra was nuts. No weakness except for Dragon? That's very broken. Did you ever do that battle that was like, a double with her and Lance with you and your rival?

    Aah, I do like Dragons. But I never really get a chance to use a lot of them. There's a lot of cool Dark-types too. As for Steel, I never used that type much at first, nor Bug. But then I got a Scizor, and I was in love. Scizor <3

    ...Really? That sounds stupid... I'm glad I haven't tried it.

    Hmm... well, Night Slash doesn't seem like a bad move. High critical hit ratio, that's always good! I think that Honchkrow has a high Attack, right? Fly seems all right too. Dark Pulse is sort of redundant and is Special. I'm not sure what TMs you have though, so I can't like, tell you what to teach it.

    I know! I never thought of that, actually. The most abundant type being mascot... well, I guess Pikachu's just a mascot because of like... the anime. If Ash HAD gotten a Squirtle after all... oh lord.
    That's the best kind :D *glomps*

    (I sent you a reply before but you didn't seem to get it?)
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