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  • <3 *rolls back over and climbs onto your lap* You know, I could get used to this... -w-
    *rubs up to you and purrs* :3 (It's okay ^w^ If it helps, I was checking the wrong site for your response anyway, so it all works out in a way :D)
    Bwe boo boo bop bop desuuuu~ Dinru is.

    *XD Really? Wow. I guess tehy do :D Yeah.

    I wanna glomp 'em like they do in glompa please, glomp 'em let 'em glomp 'em baby baby glomp with me (I glomp it)*
    Attempting to rationalize pudding, Dinru is :3 Making sense, Dinru is not.

    *Glomp it! Glomp it! No one wants to be un-glompted! Showin' how glompy and glomp is your glomp, it doesn't matter who's glomp or glomp, just glomp it*
    Giggling and squeeing and lalalaing, Dinru is SD

    *nanananananananananananannananananananannanana GLOMP MAN!*
    Pleased, Dinru is. Glad you are impressed, Dinru is. What Dinru is, Dinru is. Think of more htings to say, Dinru cannot ._.

    *glompityglomp* b^.^
    Good, that is, as seen the Star Wars movies I have not. Impressed at myself, I slightly am.

    :3 My hero~ *swoon-glomp* Yeah.
    Oh, sawwy =3 Like said, loopy I am. And Yoda I'm not, but talk like him I shall.

    Yup, no murdered Dinrus :3 (Well, maybe, but it's a lot less likely...)
    Anime reference XD Just wondering if you'd catch it. Means "Heaven Piercing glomp" x3 *super glomp*

    (I'm one hour behind you, and usually I stay up until about 2:30 (3:30 your time) anyway XD And I have to be up at about then anyway. I'm just being wierd tonight xD I'm gonna stay up for a while anyway so yeeeah. I'm just gonna be a bit loopy in the meantime :3)
    YeeeEEeeEeeEEeEeEeEeeeeeEEEEEeeeyyyy~~~~ *tengen toppa glomp*

    (can you tell I'm getting sleepy? XD)
    I never thought of that. Flying up to Red after the first time... whoa. That does make sense though. I mean, you could pretty much just get on the back of a Pidgeot and take a free ride up there. It sucks that they don't do that... he'd be pretty good for training. Although the E4 do give out more EXP. And that's actually really cool, like, TMs like HMs. I was always afraid of wasting my TMs, so I never used them.

    True. But it's better than Defog... now that one was just plain annoying. I'm glad they did away with Flash too.
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